Pet Peeve: The Undying

Pet Peeve: forums showing how many posts I’ve missed and for threads like these, it gets to the thousands even though I don’t really care about this thread.

Is there a way to turn it off for specific threads? :frowning:

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Yes go down to where it says Tracking and switch it to Muted or whatever.

Oh sweet, I wonder if this also turns off the google alerts on my PC. Thanks! <3

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best to set it to normal so you at least see when somebody’s directing a comment your way.

How else would you interpret this?

Definition: ‘Love’ is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope… Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds.

shoot my knees daddy bot :weary:

after setting it to normal chrome didnt alert my pc after u replied to me, so i’m keeping it normal then


I want a void elf warrior.


EDIT: I found a nice blend of a plate set and the ren’dorei heritage set and that’s why I want a warrior

White haired, tattoo’d, teleporting assassin with no memories, that is pretty much an anime main character right there.


Hay fever on this Easter weekend, coupled with underpaid work. N, T, Y.

Just to step of the shadows of my deliberate step back to add. Do I really have to name the amount of Animu tall, dark and brooding characters?

Also pet peeve - I just did three dungeons that had the worst coordination. DH’s aggroing mobs, no one defending the healer as he gets mobs on him and another DH running off attacking mobs as the rest of the team were waiting by the gate until I unlocked it.

As I level up my HM Tauren, questing in Hillsbrad foothills… I remember my good actions of crushing human heads with a shovel in the name of the Horde…

It was done with honor.

Huh, I’ve never smashed their heads in.

Easier to just click 'em up…

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I just found out that you can do that.

It was pretty fun to be told “Gotta see your definition of -good-” by the buff.

Also pretty funny at the moment.

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I remember sending chained humans from the spider mines into slavery, rewarded with the aptly named Slaver’s Leggings just prior.

In the name of Free Will.

Likewise, only smashing that one guy by accident much later on a different character. Back in my first go at it, I thought that you were supposed to dig them up until I read the WoWhead page.

Kind of funny in a dark way, figuring that freeing the human seedlings was a redemptive act after chaining people up for a horrible fate. Nope, just another example of the Comedic Sociopathy™ inherent to the Forsaken questing experience.

I have done the head smash, just to have done it, since I was curious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cherry yogurt is a sin… So untasteful.

So’s peach coke. Avoid at all costs to life and human dignity.

I avoid coke altogether so I’m safe!

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To be fair, the Humans enslaved an entire race once so… y’know, what goes around comes around.

Next step; forsaken seedlings and the cycle of hatred continues. But the point was rather that free will is only for forsaken and not their slaves. Remember Teresa.