Pet Peeve: The Undying

Who here tried to hook up with Morinth?

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I am the very model of a scientist Salarian…

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Marauder Shields is true MVP

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Asari are weird fetishy space elves with tentacle onions for heads. I can’t take them seriously.


Someone else might have gotten it wrong. :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


You don’t need to take them seriously. Just enjoy the blue delight and bodyshapes.

You forgot the part where they’re hot blue aliens with mind powers. I would Captain Kirk each and every one, from Aria T’Loak to Samara


What about Matriach Benezia. She wasn’t so hot looking, but she had the bewbs.

Vorcha are best race, change my mind.


Each and every one. I meant what I said.

Then I salute you. God speed you on this noble endeavour.

Asari vs draenei. Who would win?

I was not prepared for the feels :frowning:

I admit I rolled my eyes at her introduction because the camera focuses exclusively on her cleavage.

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Elkor tho. What can the Vorcha do?

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breasts that continue to grow with age

Fetish. Race.

Blue ending is hypocritical. You spend two whole games protesting that controlling or using the Reapers is impossible but then 180 on it at the last minute. Bad ending.

Green ending is too Deus Ex Machina/Space Magic for my taste, where everything (Bar Shep dying) is perfect and la di da. Bad ending.

Red ending is more believable and is in line with Shepard’s goal since ME1. Best ending.


I remember seeing a particularly tasty bit of lude fan art with male Shep and a hanar at one point.

Point being, Hanar are the underdogs in terms of sexy races here. I’d like to be enkindled by one of them.


Dont kinkshame the Asari

Best. Race.

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Although Short lived, Vorcha have some of the best combat utility in the galaxy, like their regeneration, also that rage gene from ME3.


They are also little annoying shizzles though

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