Pet Peeve: The Undying

I like PVP. I like Battlegrounds. I don’t mind losing. I don’t even mind an all-day losing streak. What I do mind are people that enter a BG and even before we’ve started doing anything are trash talking their own team and telling everyone to just give it up and let the other side win, insulting people who suggest strategies or generally use the chat for anything that isn’t being a jackass.

I get it, bro, you’re not having fun. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and go back to League of Legends or wherever you came from.


Those should be permabanned tbf

When im grumpy im just “okay, lets win this one for a change!”

People who play hide and seek by placing spaces in links (almost always multiple spaces for some reason) so that whoever tries to follow their link has to look through the URL and edit all the spaces away first.

Just use Preformatted text people, so that you can copypaste without headaches.


Apparently it’s more convenient zo put spaces in links, as opposed to doing the whole preformatted stuff.

Well I mean… I can kinda get the idea, but I imagine regular folk are hardwired to see a link and assume it’s a complete link, without spaces put inbetween.

Either way I hope those people step on a Lego.

Oh, just to share something amusing

Let’s Make Outworld Great Again! Hashtag MOGA.

It’s literally just, select your link and click the button to the right of quote.

Surely that is much easier than throwing in random spaces everywhere?


Cutting onions
I already had the water running to fill up the other pot


ESO maintenance periods


eye twitches violently

Blue Cheese can be executed by firing squad.

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You can try to take my gorgonzola from my cold, dead hands. But you won’t succeed!

I don’t need to! For I have my own! Also look! Azshara’s behind you!

My work systems have now been down for four hours. I’m almost past the 50% point of my work shift and been unable to do any work.

Do I just write off today entirely?

I’m peeved by the Boralus Stinger music… BWAAAA, BWA BWA BWAAAAA, BWA BWA BWAAAAA (Strangely read that in a Ravin Rabbit’s voice). Seriously can’t Blizzard present a city music without busting my ear drums? I’ve had enough of Legion’s Stinger whenever I turned on Wow.

At least Zandalar’s track “City of Gold” is catchy, I often find myself doing the vocal tribal thingy.

I quite like Warhammer Chaosbane, and I’d like to play more of it.

Just… I don’t want to get invested too much, seeing as it’s a beta and progress is lkely to get wiped.

Peeve of the day (or days/week)

This ridiculous Cheese-meme.

You find it a bit…cheesy?

(I have no idea what it is, I’m out of the loop)

Me neither. Can someone give us a redpill on this cheese meme?

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Accidentally hit bloodlust while levelling because I hadn’t removed it from my pet’s bar and I somehow pressed alt while going through my rotation and hit it.