Pet Peeve: The Undying

Nah I just RP as someone who didn’t get enough nutrition in their diet.

I RP a 30 meter long troll that uses a world enlarger calibrated to make him appear of average height

As much as I like Supernatural, there is one thing that kinda bugs me… That being the whole “Two Brothers versus the forces of Hell” storyline.

It’s a lot of fun when they’re doing the Scooby Doo routine of going from place to place and getting rid of ghosts or shapeshifters or a trickster that gets his rocks off on making fratboys slowdance with E.T, but all the demon stuff… It’s not as exciting.

Then again I an only four seasons in to it, so maybe the demon stuff does get exciting. But so far I am not feeling that enticed.

10ft tall is tauren height, and keeping in mind the ingame tauren models are two feet shorter for gameplay reasons… Yeah that’s insanity. I think people don’t realise just how big ten feet actually is.

I sometimes worry I have Dari too tall at eight foot five. But based on the books and comics worgen are taller than night elves in lore, and the night elves are freaky tall themselves (7-8ft?) and I portray Dari as above average and he stands up straight so it adds up. Orcs are meant to be about eight feet as well iirc. All the more reason it stings that male worgen are human height tbh. But ten feet is just absurd, 8’5" is the absolute upper limit I would accept for a worgen. (I refuse to use growth pots however, that’s just daft.)

It does not help that they have refused to give us solid heights since their resident lore guy said so years and years ago on twitter. He listed a bunch off a chart they had in the office, which debunked the “game guide” which pinned orcs at six feet and such (which us blatantly wrong if you glance at the comics, books or even the movie). But there’s been nadda on that for races post wrath.

To balance out Dari being above average in height I roleplay a midget tauren who’s 7’5". That’s still huge compared to other races but it’s by far the shrimpiest a tauren can get!

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People keep talking feets of like 6-7 as average in roleplay, and plenty of characters(Like these big atrocities going up to like 8 to 10 feet), and here I am RL being at like…5’1 :confused: , Im just imagining all these rp characters as freaking towers.

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Ah this is a well known fellow. Don’t ever criticise him on his height - had a eight paragraph hysteria driven rant from him.

Tauren are usually 10 foot on average and can get in just fine.

I don’t actually have an issue with oversized characters - only that they recognise the limitations along with their advantages. You’re a much larger target if you’re big, even if you’re in heavy armour you’re going to take a heavier beating.

Size does not always = damage resistance, after all.

Worgen are on average 8 foot, which is still very tall (to a human perspective), 8’5 is the same as a human being about 6’5 which is quite big for us even.

Size is usually nonsensical to argue about in a fantasy universe, especially it’s a non-human race. I can understand the problems when it is a human, or physiologically similar (I.e Dwarves, Gnomes, or Eastern Elves - even Night Elves to a lesser degree).

Azeroth is a land of magic and physics defying feats (often supported with magic), so sure be a large character, that is totally fine but do consider the downsides and the absurdities being so large (or small) brings with it.

6’3 IRL and I literally get “MY YOU’RE A TALL ONE” - in the context of Azeroth i’m basically the “”““average””" heroic human paladin rp size. Heck my main rp characters are around my height as well so I can dimensionally immerse myself more when picturing things.

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This is one of many reasons why gnomes are great.

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5’1 is a colossal size for a gnome :eyes:

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Seeing how the average size on Azeroth seems to be like 7 feet, it is proprtionate to me playing a character that is like…3 :stuck_out_tongue:

That is true. I imagine most horde buildings are made to a much larger scale due to tauren and orcs.

Having to get all your clothes custom tailored sucks :frowning: also doorframes are Daris sworn enemy at times. Alliance buildings, especially human ones, are going to be a common problem, and tbh I should imply that more often in emotes, my go to is for him to complain when chairs are too small. A common one in Dalaran which for the longest time had only humans, elves and gnomes.

I want to start seeing 6’0 tall Gnomes to be honest, a truly terrifying and awe inspiring sight.

I too usually reference the smaller size of things for Worgen in Stormwind and other human settlements, although I equally will have my Worgen (or one of them at least) turn back to human form if things get inconvenient enough.

Though it’s quite funny when his partner ends up opening the closet to find a whole wardrobe of ridiculously over-sized garments - shirts, pants, belts, socks and boots, the whole works. Stretchy clothes are, I imagine, rather expensive to tailor and then enchant to change size accordingly.

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Orc males are seven, six and a half for females. Pandas are half a foot taller in both respective cases. Worgen males are 8’, females 7’. Yes, that is hunched and unhunched heights respectively in the case of the worgen. Blizzard likes making the males of races much larger than the females.

And yet, most female character TRP’s describe them as shorties regardless of their racial averages. Well, they’re small except where it counts! :wink:

Such is me peeve t’day; the sheer monotonous uniformity of predictable character descriptions.


“Height: Petite. Build: Hourglass.”


All these years and I still have to throw the numbers into a converter if I want to get a feel for how tall exactly “5’7” is. It’s gotten a little better since I bothered to remember my irl height and just go by “less? short. more? bigly!” but still… why is it so difficult to remember how many feet go into a person?


Once again, the joke that I could make is one that I shouldn’t.

As an IRL shortie from a country that doesn’t use imperial at all, I’ve had to teach myself my own height in feet, working from that for reference. Cultural imperialism successful, making me use it despite only three or four countries using these measurements in the modern day.

No matter what I add to my frame of reference, everyone is vaugely “tall” to me unless they’re gnomes or something.

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Google be praised with all these handy converters. I still don’t use any exact numbers for my chars tho. Short, average or tall is plenty information enough for me.


Centimeters is much easier, but since feet seem to be both common in RP and forum, or just chats in general, I just use quick google searches as well :stuck_out_tongue: But like you, I use basic refferences for my characters.

Shorties unite

Honestly, it puzzles me why Imperial units are so commonly used on a European server’s forum.


Imperial units are a peeve.