Pet Peeve: The Undying

I will help you in that.

Haha, I meant it for Ranying but welcome in the country! Don’t worry about your french, I’m sure you’ll learn quickly with the immersion, and most people will want to help. (We know some of our rules are strange when you’re not native, we know)


French nougat?

Omelette du fromage!!

You baguettes are so mean.


I gave up on french when I learned that if a word is pronounced like: “Waso”(I dont even know if that is a french word, just an example), 90% of the time, it is spelled like: “Oussiuaxsaouw”

Why do you do this France?

Same with Malena Ernmans song ‘‘La Voix’’.



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Should I also build a big blue secret laboratory behind my closet?

This is why germanic languages, like Swedish, norwegian, Danish, german etc are good. What you see is what you get.

Finnish is also a mess, but atleast they spell things the say way they same them.

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Yes you should.

Yeah, usually.

Only difference is with us swedes and having different types of ‘‘Sh’’ spelling for words. :'D


Eh… Every language is weird in its own way.

When I speak in my mother tongue, my tone, my pace, all of that changes and most people wouldn’t get anything apart people of African descent whom we share a few words with… And don’t get me started on dialecets.

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I dont like France
Also my peeve: France


Stuff that’s pronounced as ‘‘Sh’’ in Swedish: Kj, Sh, Sch, Ch, Tj, K, Gj, Sj.

And I might’ve missed something there. ._.

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You cant beat the superior dutch G

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Just remember be very very careful when you pronounce the French word for cat.

I wasn’t for about a week.

I don’t know french (I know it seemed like I did), so how is it spelled?

For me… Slav, Scandinavian, all of them would be weird to me if i had to learn them from scratch.

The same would go for people who’d try to learn a mostly spoken language like my monther tongue. Humanity likes diversity.

Yup… Pussy in french has the same “innuendo” as in english.

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That’s great.

Sometimes regular letter “k”, like in kex and kexchoklad. Though that is a heavily debated topic among some swedes.

Edit: Oh wait, you wrote that in. I didnt see!

Yeah, K can both be ‘‘Sh’’ and a regular hard K.

Or do you imply some say Shexchoklad? In that case I think we need some purging…

I say it :frowning:

prepares shotgun.

Sooo… how about a hunt? Deep in the forest where nobody would hear you scream.

Just asking.