Pet Peeve: The Undying

I will pass on that! :frowning:

le chat

Just don’t put emphasis on the first part of the word and you’re good.

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Cmon, it’ll be reeeeaaaaal fun

I’ll even bring some Kexchoklad so you can read it for me

hides shotgun behind back

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Yeah, main reason why englishmen have issues with french is the heavy distinction between feminine and masculine
 Even items have a gender.

That’s why nobody like you baguettes

You’re too weird.

I did a pin up for you! I am terribly hurt now.


Yeah but you still come to our country to eat our food, see our culture and all of thaat. I guess the entire worls likes weirdness.

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Still dont like france and their petit cuisine.
Like the escargo though.

I don’t.

I’ve been outside Sweden once, and that was to Denmark back in 99’.
I’m not interested in travels, and if I would travel, it’d be to Norway, Denmark and Iceland.

It’ll be like Sweden, but different.

Yes, I’m a very boring person.

Yeah that was the main problem for me since I grew up among an English community in Hong Kong.

If that helps: in general, the last letter is not said when it’s a consone (and the plural S is never said)
Hiboux (don’t say the X)
Chat (don’t say the T)
I can’t think of another example right now, too much english haha.



GAAAH!!! :angry:

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Not everyone enjoys traveling.

I can tell you, the last time i did was so horrid, whenever I have to wait for a train or a Carshare
 I get light PTSD of those long hours in an uncomfortable coach ride, 13H waiting at the airport foe my flight and even more uncomfortable once I had to sleep in it.

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Well, the X for hibou is the mark of a plural. For chat, I am
 Not sure where it came from. I suppose a vestigial letter that stayed because ethymology and all that.

I hate any language that has letters added but aren’t pronounced

With ‘‘Night’’ and ‘‘Knight’’ I can understand it, but for example ‘‘Knife’’, what’s the point!? >_<

The return back in europe wasn’t any better because I missed my coach ride back to Auvergne by 3 mins, I slept on the floor in a closed Train station as I purchased the next ride.

I’m never going anywhere if there’s a risk of that crabs!

I’mma stay home and be happy! \o/

You know in Vermont they still sell Freedom Fries.

For those who don’t know Freedom Fries were French Fries but the US changed the name to boycott France.

Wow, just wow.

Typical from the USA really.