Pet Peeve: The Undying

We should boycott the US.

Ban freedom.


You know the worse? 
 Those fries are Belgian.


 The USA are pretty jealous of us europeans
 But they’ve got the best national parks and landscape out there.

Hence wht I want to travel there someday.

Aye, was gonna point that out too.

They aren’t even french to begin with. xD

It could be worse

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At least it’s not German or Russian, where every noun is one of three genders.

And they’re different between languages, so a Russian speaker studying German, or vice versa, has to remember that, for example, island is masculine in Russian but feminine in German, and so on for every single noun.


Don’t get me started on those dirty, dirty traitors.

Belgium nor france really wants them.

What’s that?

Relatives of the robot Wall-E?

It had to do with the Iraq war and France [rightly] not taking part.

Guess you could say they were a bit salty.

It’s also where the French are cowards stereotype comes from.


I thought that started with World War II.

I sure know my :poop:

They reside in a zone between belgium and france, speak abhorrent french.


France not joining the Irak War was the most Ballsy thing we had done in a while, giving the middle finger to America
 Which turnes out to be a good move sincz it was completely fabricated.


It might have been but during the boycott US citizens were waving white flags to mock the ‘cowardice’ of the French so I’m pretty sure that was the reason.

 And we keep hearing about it even to this day despite history proving that stereotype wrong.

Then again, the childish America has always been resentful of Europe and its numerous and rich nations.


Well in the US’s defense I wouldn’t have known about the boycott thingie if it weren’t for a US Youtuber talking about it [for context he was talking about how stupid it was]

So there are some in the US who realize that stereotype is wrong.

This will reap you as much admiration in Britain as it will condemnation in 'murica. Nothing worse than being seen as America’s little poodle as the UK is sometimes.

Cat had a bit of dinner stuck to his nose.

Licks it off before I could take a picture.

Gosh darnit kitty!

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Well at least it didn’t go to waste.

My younger cat [not the sick one] always let’s things go to waste I mean he eats everything he gets but then he throws it up afterwards.

That’s my peeve. People who say “Lul French are all quitters and cowards” because of WW2.

Have these people never heard of freaking Napoleon or something? France was the primary source of butt kickery in Europe for a long damn time.

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