Pet Peeve: The Undying

Does anyone else have a problem on forum mobile where it constantly sets itself to ‘watching’ the whole subforum each time I open it?

It is annoying.

Mine does that with biscuits, he eats them quickly then barfs them up later, undigested.

I call it snarfing.

mine’s actually fussy, we’ve gone through 5 different brands of food to get one he likes. Even this one, he only eats certain ones on certain days. So he’ll eat chicken one day, but won’t touch it with a 10 ft barge pole the next. But will eat it the day after.

Lots of wasted food.

When we weren’t kicking their butt, sure.

Yeah Cats are like that I remember I got the wrong brand of cat food once and my oldest cat just wouldn’t eat it.

He’s good though if he can tell a certain kind of food would make him sick he won’t eat it but my young one is the opposite, even if it makes him sick he’d eat it.

The biscuits don’t make him sick all the time, only when he snarfs them (named for the noise he makes when he eats them quickly).

I try not to let him eat them all the time though, can binge on them at night so he doesn’t wake me at 3 in the morning.

The french litterally invented an effective machine to execute/behead people on basically track as quick and efficiently as possible.

They are scary , not cowards.


It was meant to be executing people equally. Pre-Revolutionary France had all manner of ways to be executed depending on your rank and position in society.

The Guillotine was to equalise it.


Every people in Europe has its little… Sobriquet I guess.

I don’t know much about the other nations, but it’s so frequent to hear that sentence that it’s rather tiresome. Don’t get me wrong, I love banter based around nationalities, after all, it’s what helps in breaking down the barriers between people of different countries.

But just like everything, when it’s overused and made into a very wide stereotype in modern day, man it gets irritating. I don’t think we french will ever get rid of that “Coward” one (The French people are anything but cowards, our politicians certainly are, but the people have an immense testicular fortitude), but I certainly will be as vitriolic as they are to us if I can tug onto a sensitive string.


Still scary!

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Of course not, it takes

to repeatedly attempt a cavalry charge through boggy terrain into volley after volley of arrow fire.

Bravery was never in question.

Also major peeve about a French hospital I went to when I had a major accident.

They forgot to feed me while I stayed there for a couple of days.

I mean the nurses there were nice but.

Leveling is still my peeve. I want to level a couple of new characters but I legit just can’t be bothered to slog trough the damn zones and dungeons.

It doesn’t help that both classes (Mage and hunter) can’t heal or tank either.


Twitter changed their desktop layout and it sucks. Past two days I could opt out of it. Now that doesn’t work.

Gj making your website worse twitter ya morons. There’s even an option to use “less mobile data”!..on my PC. Thanks.

I hear you can actually change it back to the old layout in the options. “Use legacy layout” or something like that.

Some people got that option. I did not. It’s never shown up for me, and it’s still not there even now. When I clicked opt out the first time I left some very honest and direct feedback about how much the new layout sucked. Two days later it’s forced on me.

Guess I should’ve been nicer, eh?

Only I guess these ladies have no interest in snu-snu… Unless it’s death by snu-snu.

Country problems huh…

The Dutch had the most powerful nation in the world. To the point where we had a fleet so big, that the Britbungs and the French banded together to fight us. And now we don’t hear the end of “the Brits had the biggest fLeEt!!!”

Oh and also being such a small country that you literally don’t have enough people to occupy all the lands you conquered so you just sell them off.

Imagine if we hadn’t sold the states to the Brits. Man, what a wonderful time this could have been. :nerd_face:

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Peeve… I miss Sha, twilight’s hammer… Scourge, Legion…

Well, better say, I didn’t like the villains/ threats has been “killed off” like that…

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Today wasn’t turkey day, neither was yesterday.

Picky eater cat…

My facebook feed is full of Endgame spoilers or memes about spoiling Endgame and I can’t watch anymore

[sad Obi-Wan gif]