Pet Peeve: The Undying

The Sha was really cool, and while I miss them, their decline did feel natural seeing how they were tied to the old god heart and negative emotions etc.

The scourge no longer being a massive world ending threat as it was, has also felt natural but they were probably one of the best villian factions. But Bolvar is seeming to be up to no good, so we might get a return.

Legion was a massive blunder, they were a good threat, but throughout the expansion named after them they ended up feeling like less of a problem than the Defias or murlocs. Just a mundane annoyance rather than the superb evil it had been hyped up to be. And that is a shame.

Twillight’s hammer was also great, but like Legion, their finale/end felt sloppy, since just killing Deathwing somehow automatically stopped their coordinated assaults across Azeroth, because reasons. That felt weird.


First how do I underline things, secondly.

Sch is it’s own word damnit!

Napoleon was a quitter and coward too, because he surrendered instead of fighting to the death.

Also, he deposed King Louis Napoléon Bonaparte of the Kingdom of Holland, because he refused to frenchify the Netherlands and actually forced his nobles to speak Dutch in his court, he himself learned Dutch and he had the best interest of the Dutch in mind, instead of the French Empire.

Are you insunuating the Spanish, the British and the Germans weren’t? Because boy have I bad news for you.

They invented it because they where scared of nobles, then they became scared of the common man, then they became scared of themselves.

Love how the french are coming out here in droves, saying they did things because they where oh so very brave, but forgetting that alot of those things where also done by alot of nations in alot of other places across alot of other continents.

Don’t forget the English and French where also aided by two German Bishop States or smth.

Also the Dutch raided the Medway stole the Royal Charles, used it as a tourist attraction before they auctioned it for scrap because Charles was insulted. (We still have the he wooden carving showing the royal arms in a museum on display)

The Dutch burned or captured up to 13 english vessels, during that raid too.

Anyway the Anglo-Dutch Wars are a really interesting read!

No it isn’t!

Example: Schecter!

I doubt it, considering it was the two lowest tier countries in europe that gave it its name.

Reported for insulting the greatest Kingdom that has ever graced God’s green planet.

You filth.

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Yeah sorry, I meant to specify that I meant in English, hence why these two particular countries would use them.

I still agree that we should use 100% metric system despite that very minor inconvenience, though. And I’m sure that, once people are used to it, it’ll feel much more natural to say.

I mean, have you seen your own hat?

Filth right thar.

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Don’t insult my hat! You’re green and mean :frowning:

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But my goggles are pristine clean, unlike your filthy hat!

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Don’t forget the Bastion of Twilight, which was sorta their capital, and their Leader, Cho’gall, dying :wink:
Perhaps that was the main blow to the Hammer itself

I’m glad we’re seeing them in Darkshore :slight_smile:

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a true peeve of a nonsense sayer: Having to explain a joke.

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I don’t get it.

slaps jessicka in the face
Because i didn’t get to the punchline yet.


In light of the recent account suspensions to players using big tiddy mods, I started wondering if your subscription is put on hold for the duration of your suspension. Imagine having just purchased six months of subscription and then getting hit with a six month suspension. That’s a lot of moolah to lose.

Does anyone know?

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God created Men and Joseph-Ignace Guillotine made them equal.


The cat is howling at me.

I assume he’s hungry, but he didn’t want the wet food I put down a few hours ago (its fine)

I’ve removed his biscuits, he can eat the wet food.

EDIT: Also, fire-mage-wannabe (AKA destro lock) is growing on me.


My cat howls at me from outside the window and his breath can be seen on the window.

I advocate a third option; the use of the guilliotine had more to do with spectacle and political statement than efficiency. Public beheadings and displaying the heads on the state’s “enemies” is a tool of terror.

If one desires efficiency and equality, there was already such a thing as a firing squad.


Peeve: i feel i am awful at drawing
Also a lot of things are annoying me to increase that feeling

 Another peeve, wish most Artifacts weren’t bound to one spec, specially ones like DK’s and Paladins’

I want the damn Warhammer on ret

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That’s a natural feeling.

I’m going to butcher the saying but, “the only thing you know, is that you know nothing.”

And your work that you’ve posted in the art thread is pretty good.

EDIT: You’re always going to see the imperfections regardless, you’ll always have pieces you hate more than others. You also will probably not see the changes as you get better the more you do it simply because for you, the change is gradual.

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