Pet Peeve: The Undying

Thanks Cro, much appreciated :heart:

Just got to keep drawing, just keep going.

Like you’re Stephen King who is somebody who just writes, 6 pages a day a day according to his interview with George R.R. Martin;

Doesn’t have to be your BEST every day, just got to be consistent. Even if you feel like GRRM at the end of the day.

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Robespierre -did- weaponise terror as a means of control, but the official ideology at the time was it was considered the most equal and fair means of execution. Nobles at the time could request a skilled swordsman for beheading, in fact beheading was exclusively the “privilege” of those who earned above a certain thresh-hold of earning.

The commoners had to contend with hanging, being broken on the wheel, and burnt at the stake, grisly business.

I think George could take a few tips from Stephen King to be honest…

I mean, I guess? I’m not actually that fond of GoT if I’m being honest, but his fans have been waiting a long ole time for the last book.

EDIT: being fair, I COULD do with taking a leaf out of Stephen king’s book too when it comes to my writing.

I’m very well aware of that and maintain that in spite of official policy at the time, such beheadings were more theatre than acts of humanity and equality. Beheading by sword goes back a long, long way as a noble way to die a warrior’s death whereas peasantry had to be humiliated and made into a spectacle.

I doubts Martin’s books will ever be finished. Possibly posthumously, using leftover notes by the hands of authors of varying diligence and quality.

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I’m holding out for an announcement once the TV series concludes in about 4 weeks time in which he announces The Winds of Winter is due out later this year. With the correct canonical timeline.

Because I fully expect The Mannis to be the ONE TRUE KING by the end of the true timeline.

I am honestly pissed at my dad.

At six in the morning today, I wake up to a ruckus from the living room, and I see him having a seizure.
Then it turns out that he had his shoulder dislocated sometime during his episode.

I am pissed at him, because he has a very unhealthy lifestyle. He is always indoors, he doesn’t eat much in the form of vegetables (Neither he or I eat the same kind of quantity as my mom, but at least a healthy side salad wouldn’t kill him), while eating a lot of candy.

Well… Hopefully the dislocated shoulder will serve as a sobering ordeal to encourage him to get a healthier lifestyle working.

Wonder if my bust of my HM druid should have her wearing her headdress?

I’ve been removing the head pieces of most of my characters simply because it blocks the face, but hers doesn’t obscure it that much.

So in the wake of the criticism of the rules of D&D Adventurers League season 8, WotC went ahead and announced season 9… which leaves all of season 8’s stupid rules intact and adds an extra stupid rule that ties characters to seasons and will basically destroy a DM’s ability to cherry-pick the modules they personally like, no matter the season.

It’s like they want to kill AL.

Can I just point out that I am not french?

You look like a french frie though.

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You take that back!

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Big whoop wanna fite aboot it?!

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Och laddie


Why is the background of your character white, then? And a gear shift with 4 in reverse and one to the front (in case the danger is to the back)?


Void elf child RPers.

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Yeesh. How do I delete another person’s character?

Could be worse, could be demon hunter.

… seriously?

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Void elves were truly a mistake


Cruel twisted elves bringing such demonic entities unto a child… monsters the whole lot of them, akin to demons!

in seriousness, I doubt people put much thought into these concepts.

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