Pet Peeve: The Undying

Really though he should of monkey pawed his kids and wife out of existance, since he and his family are African Americans and not African… well Africans and he’s just casually erasing a hundred and odd years of meetings and romances.

He has a girlfriend you know …


It’s like reading Trade Chat.

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With GoT and Avengers popping up, I avoid Trade Chat for now.

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I am a Dongles Per Second
While my DPS can’t get past your
Tanky Tiddeus i must add.

You can also not submit and assert dominance rather then lamenting the existence of a ‘gender role’ this is how the weak and the strong are made.

Vol’dun’s lore still nags at me every time I quest there. It is centred around Korthek, Sulthis and Vorrik when it comes to the sethrak storyline in the region, that after Sethraliss was defeated when she sacrificed herself to destroy Mythrax 16,000 years ago, the three of them paired together to seal Mythrax in Atul’Aman.

So, are they 16,000 years old, or did Mythrax’s prison not have a seal for that length of time?

Wait, was it given a time? I thought it was left ambiguous as “some time ago”?

picks up a quest
The prickly Grove lore: BENA GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM.

I did some digging and apparently he was a general in the Aqir war with the trolls, thus ~16k years ago.

Huh, neat.

My assumption is that they’re super old then, probably unique among Sethrak in that respect.

Peeve : Humans in an Elf skin.

Often a Mercenary who smokes a lot, has a raspy voice (Allegedly), Eyepatch, long description of every single scar they have (often located on their face, goes along with eyepatch) and whenever you go in questions of their race’s major events (Which they should know) they cower and either slaps away the question or makes an excuse.

Makes you wonder… Why?

Also only good point I’ll give them is that they understand how bodies work which justifies their long past of fights… But they often go with the musclebound trope from movies. So it’s a 50/50.


So, peeves for today. Game of Thrones S8E3. It disappointed me for a number of reasons but I say the biggest one is the cinematography/lighting of the whole episode.


The lighting was awful, especially at the the start.
Battle tactics need work too.


The lighting and the tactics both suffered from the same thing: there wasn’t enough of it.


How would you fight an endless army of the undead then, mister expert of battle tactics in a fantasy setting in real life?


Slayer of the Lifeless.

I saw a human a couple of years ago who’s TRP said he wasn’t human IC, but a Pandaren.

They are like the Reapers of Mass Effect, they are immune to conventional strategies and attrition, I imagine the Scourge was similiar in that regard or atleast would be if not for the Lich King holding the leash.

not put the god damn trebecheuts before the pike line so you can use them for more than 3 shots for ONE :triumph:


I can live with no void elves too.

Admittedly I have skipped Argus entirelly, but aren’t all Broken on Argus void users?

I had no idea what Jax’s stuff was about until I read up on it, and that’s all I could think too.

How many millions of people around the world did Jax casually erase? I mean I -get- why he stopped (african?) slavery, but the consequences of it are just… no.