Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yeah, this is just weird thinking
We have Humans, not Humanette’s or Humanesses, or Humanstrixi, or even thank goodness She-Humans

All the races have two sexes, that clearly do not resemble each other and are distinguishable (Let me just stop anyone before they make a TBC ‘Hurr durr why no Belf males’ joke, for a start, it is dated, and secondly, just pointing out it seems so far to be Orcs, humans and forsaken that question their own Orientation, not the Belves)
In some cases ridiculously so, Draenei males and females look vastly different.

I mean with the best will in the world, you cannot mistake the female of a species for the male of a species (as far as playable ones go).

So it’s just superfluous. It’s not a massive peeve, it’s just something of a linguistic tautology. “I am a Female Gnome who is Female”

Oh My Word. Yes, Every series of that has just been gold dust, Jed Mercurio must have a very twisted mind to allow him to write so convolutedly…


I always thought that She-Orc/Orcess was a play on “She-Wolf” and “Lioness” and such embellishments for predatory animals— or there the logic, anyway. Odd but understandable.

I hope someone’s actually using Orquette.

We do see She-Wolf being used in Frostfire Ridge, but directly flipping it to She-Wolf and Orcess is a bit of a stretch. Calling them She-Wolf and Lioness directly is more passable.

I mean in terms of players and what their thinking is, or why they think it sounds good.

Of all the souls I had encountered…his was the most…Hoomen.

Peeve - I found armor that’s reminiscent to what Garret wore in Thief Deadly Shadows but it’s not black like my soul which peeves me.

Just kidding I’m a ginger.

She wolf is a title given to Draka as i remember


Pet peeve is that the sonic trailer aged me by like 30 years just by watching it.


We do however have Man and Woman.

So what is the Orc version of Man, the Elf version of Woman.

Clearly it can’t be Woman or Man, because they are not Human.

After seeing it I had many questions. Like, say, why the Coolio song?

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To be down with the kids yo (By using a song that was released 24 years ago, and not a very kid-like song)

Also the fact that the song was released in 1995 makes me feel even older…

I never watched a single game of thrones thing.


Why not? I use man and woman in RP. Male and female is better reserved for non-sentient races IMO.

That said, phrases like ‘I am only human’ do become rather problematic.


…No u

Well because Man and Woman come from Human right?

It stands to reason that races that have genders would have their own version of Man and Woman in their own languages, you wouldn’t say a Man Orc, or an Orc Man would you? Unless they are an actual half-breed?

While we can dive deep into historical etymology, they are not important here.

To me the key distinction is the absence of ‘hu’. Human.

Of course, humans are arrogant enough to apply terms like mankind and the like to themselves as well.

If it makes you feel better, you can just imagine my character using a racially appropriate yet to us unknown equivalent whenever man/woman is used. Similar to how we use English as an abstraction for the language our characters actually use.


Got three classes left to get to 120.

Demon Hunter and Warlock I’m fine with but; do I level my unholy DK or my frost DK?

Neither appeal to me that much and i quit blood last expansion.

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I can’t see myself leveling those either. Don’t think I have max leveled a warlock since… MoP?

Not until they unlock more races at least.

Why is every single high PVE/PVP Fem Void Elf player (Who doesn’t RP but still has a TRP) some anime weaboos?



Man and Woman.

Malgrim Stormhand says: Draka… come join me in the Iron Horde. Lose that armor, and settle down with a REAL MAN.
Draka says: A real man would treat his mate with respect!
Draka throws her weapon for the killing blow.
Draka says: …and he probably would have caught that axe.
From the Battle of Thunder Pass dialogue.