Pet Peeve: The Undying

For male pandaren would be
Boars or ursus

For females it would be
Sows or ursa.



That the datamined weapons for several allied races remain unavailable. That does peeve me.


Well, it would be whatever the Orcish for Man is, and whatever the Elven for Woman is. It is a word that they will have in their own language, basically to describe the duality of the sexes, not a word or concept exclusive to Humanity, pretty sure every sentient species would have a term in their language for it, ‘male’ and ‘female’ sounds too clinical, unless you are describing someone unknown “Apparently the thief was a Human Woman/ a Human Female” Whereas amongst your own species it would just be, “The thief was a woman”.

We do see NPC’s use Man/Woman despite varying Species, because apart from races who procreate using Parthogenesis -of which there are none playable (thankfully), they are always going to have that concept. It’s kinda like, Well, actually, yeah, as an example, the Human word for Axe in game is Axe. Whats the Zandali word? We don’t know. We do know that there is a word for ‘Axe’ in Zandali, so when we type it in character it probably sounds totally different to those not speaking Zandali.

We know that Ann’da and Minn’da are what the words for father and mother sound like when spoken in Thalassian to non native ears, but the concept of what the word means is the same, so it is with ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’

This said I come from a part of the country where “Haway like Man” is a phrase you could also use to a Woman, and ‘guys’ and ‘Dude’ are pretty interchangeable as well, so meh, what do I know :smile:

That is the actual name for male pandas :stuck_out_tongue:

Lets say Sylvanas Windrunner lands with 40,000 pandaren chargers at her back. We hold up in our castles. Wise move. Only a fool would meet the pandaren in an open field.

They leave us in our castles. They go from town to town, looting and burning. Killing every man who can’t hide behind a stone wall. Stealing all our crops and lifestock. Raising all our dead. How long do the people of the Alliance stand behind their absentee High King? Their cowardly King, hiding behind high walls?

When do the people decide that the Banshee Queen is the rightful monarch after all?


School of Harn Knocks. 'nough said.

The only delivery place that delivered Sushi to my area has stopped, I’m inconsolable.

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So someone RPing a human female, whose age was marked as “teen” just approached me and said she was bored and looking to “make love”. On my pandaren.

I have no words.


I can perhaps suggest. “No” Or go into a diatribe “What am I , some sort of exotic piece of meat from far off lands? Do I not have feelings? Do they not come into this? Have you considered I may find humans about as attractive as a chair? Do none of my needs matter? Madame, you need to rethink your lifestyle choices, or I see a bitter and used up future of spinsterhood for you, so I urge you, Sit down, think long and hard about your life, where it all went wrong, and wonder when you started propositioning creatures of different species than your own, for carnal exercise, for this will only end in tears, Begone!”


Indeed! You should have no words
 but a well placed strike of your gauntlet into her face.


I prefer Briggy’s response, tbf


Yeah well, they’re on alliance, and alliance is trash.

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Fixed it for you, you smelly greenskin.

You wrote garbage as ‘‘awesome’’, that’s a pretty bad typo.

It’s not not nice to call your own faction garbage, Jess, even if the Horde is garbage.

How’s your gazzilionth warchief doing?

Hopefully terrible. I want Sylvanas gone asap.

And the Horde is great, at least we don’t pretend to be goody goody.

pet peeve: my immortal thread has far more posts than Unpopular Opinions but is still way behind in views.

Step it up, people.



Huh. The Ban has been lifted?


So it has, yes. And I must say, you guys have been really boring to watch over the past month. That’s another pet peeve right there.