Pet Peeve: The Undying

My main issue last time I played ESO was the inflated numbers
a weapon in the level 10-20 area did somewhere between 500-1000 damage and had stats just as high
and I figured the numbers would quickly grow out of hand but that aside I found it different enough to be at least enjoyable

Peeve on Thor’s day:

New characters being an absolute joy to play but do I really have the space and time for yet another warlock, mage and rogue?

At some point, new ideas demand replacing old ones. Maybe it’s time to send this ol’ gal out to the pasture.

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I can arrange for a climbing accident.

Funeral expenses & arrangements not included.

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Peeve of today, being peeved about something while you fly around in game, but when you start writing about it, the amount of being peeved decreases into almost nothingness.

I still haven’t deleted browser history/cache/cookies so I am always sent to the old wow forum and have to click my way to the current forum

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I was thinking dysentery on the Orgrimmar trail but I like to keep my options open.

It’s not a peeve if it isn’t petty!

Midday peeve served with tea: Planning to do a whole 'lotta RP but due to a combination of indecisiveness, fatigue and inattentive fellow RPers, I end up simply walking around X town from point A to D with little to show for it beyond checking the mail and auctioning off a battle pet.

Related metapeeve: people being either too introverted IC or OOC to interact to the point where you see five different people close to each other, functionally alone and waiting for the others to approach. Walk-ups are welcome indeed, but if nobody wants to shoulder the responsibility of being the active agent it all falls apart.

I believe this is related to the general “ignores the usual” trend stoking existing social anxieties with “walk-ups welcome” being the natural counter. It’s just so much easier to ignore people trying to interact than to be the person trying or to be willing to try.


This reminds me of when children are at that age where they play alongside each other, but not with each other, even if they’re engaged in the same activity or using the same toys. They kind of acknowledge each other, but they don’t, so they’ll wait for one kid to stop using the red car (because they want it) but they won’t open dialogue to express that or suggest they join games.

So it goes with RPers in these situations moving around each other and being very careful not to clip each other, but at the same time they don’t see each other.

Maybe everyone is playing anti-social characters?

This is why I started my RP career with Pandaren. You always have an excuse to walk up to randoms and say hello when you are a giant Panda. Besides, for many Pandas (at least back then) you wouldn’t be getting much RP outside of Pandaren clichĂ©s if you didn’t approach people so it cultivates the habit nicely.

This is all assuming of course that when you do approach them, noticing their “Walk up!” TRP, they don’t reply with some kind of dialogue that essentially says “leave me alone” which is a peeve in itself.

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The Division 2 private beta friend invite system is, of course, broken.


That’s the scaling.

Basically everyone and everything is technically level 50. But as you get more skills and find higher quality gear and then gain champion points post 50 your power goes up anyway. It’s weird but you get used to it.

A D&D 5e pet peeve (a rarity from me, since I generally like 5e and don’t have many gripes with it): the official rulebooks have no rules for creating custom backgrounds. All too often, new players tell me that they don’t like any of the standard backgrounds and would like to craft their own.

Then they can. The rulebooks are more like guidelines and any DM can use or discard rules/sections as and when they choose. ‘Standard backgrounds’ sounds incredibly restrictive, to the extent that I’ve never heard a DM mention it to me.

Two skills
A combination of two languages and/or tool proficiencies.
A relevant tool or misc equipment
A set of appropriate clothing

That’s all you need. There’s a bunch of homebrewed ones knocking round the internet if you need inspiration, but players should feel comfortable approaching you with their own if they know the above.

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Not in Adventurers League, which is what I DM.

At a minimum, AL prescribes that a character’s starting equipment is determined by class and background. So a custom background has to take its equipment list from one of the standard ones — not that it’s ever actually referenced in a typical AL game.

Can you create a customized background for your character?

Yes, you can customize backgrounds per the rules in the Player’s Handbook, which state that you can pick any two skills and a total of two tool proficiencies or languages. In addition, you can select a feature from any background.You can choose an equipment package from a background or spend gold on gear as normal.


The “X spec is best so you have to play it even if you hate it” mentality present among the heroic/under world top 1000 mythic players. Yeah, fire does 5% less less damage than frost. So what? Why would anyone care about that and play the spec they hate with a passion while they can pump out more than enough damage in bossfights either way.


Community perception. Pugging is a cancerous environment, so you want to stack up as many benefits and failsafes as possible to avoid having to turn your time into a nightmarish slug through the dungeon.

There’s no cure for it.


All right, turns out there is a rule for custom backgrounds in the PHB.

I stand corrected and withdraw my criticism. Thank you.


Circles right back to what I said. If there’s part of a rulebook you don’t like, enact some DM fiat and ignore/change to your preference.

But yeah, what Elenthas said since there is a relevant part of the rule you didn’t know of.

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It’s why I’d love to dps rather than tank dungeons (but you know, typical queue times). In ESO I can pump out enough dps to carry in most vet encounters so I usually don’t mind the other dps being crap because bosses are melting anyhow, but when I tank I can’t put out as much dps and have to rely on two dpsers to put out 20K each, which is a bloody rarity.

Tl:dr most PuGs suck

Remember kids, Wizards of the Coast aren’t going to kick your door in with a SWAT team if you ignore some of the rules/features in one of their handbooks

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