Pet Peeve: The Undying

Peeve: people using backslashes instead of forward slashes in text.

Backslashes are, to my knowledge, not used in standard English typography. Their only uses are in computing, such as program code or Windows file paths.

Red vs blue is fun to play out IC, it’s cool to have conflict, but when players start crazily arguing that their make-believe fantasy team is objectively good in some weird form of tribalism it gets real boring real fast.


What was the term? Vagueposting?

But I agree the hysterical way I’ve seen Horde players fawn over Sylvanas is in part why I offer the blue alternative.

Not really vagueposting, but I can name you and that dweeb Telaryn as among the perps. Since I ignore the conversations (again, very boring to read) I don’t know each and every person.

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Hey, don’t leave me out.

Sorry, who are you? :thinking:


Excuse me but I don’t know any faceless tauren.


I’m sorry, but not every forum thread can be an excuse for you to show off your forum police badge :S sometimes people just want to discuss the lore of the game they’re paying for.

But also this is the pet peeve thread for the pet peeves we have and that just so happens to be my pet peeve :slight_smile:


Yeah but sometimes people wanna keep threads on the subject which they were intended for and I can respect that.

There have been 683 posts made here but the bar on the side only says 672…

This is peeving me.

So 11 people got automodded?

11 posts were removed altered for wrongthink the correct opinion.


I peeve at the lack of worldbuilding displayed in the narrative when it comes to resources. Durotar has a shortage of wood for obvious reasons but Quel’Thalas doesn’t even have any farmland. There’s a technical port for fishing but the elves presumably subsist on mana buns and wyrm dust.

Furthermore, drinking water doesn’t seem like an issue to anyone with Thunder Bluff in particular being high up on a mesa. Stormwind does at least have canals but most inhabited regions lack even a well.

Civilization sprung up along rivers for a good reason and seeing towns that couldn’t possibly sustain life unless serving as a military fort and constantly being fed supplies is irksome.


This is the most ironic comment in this thread given a significant proportion of posts in this thread are people fanboying/fangirling/fanpersoning over games they play over than WoW and peeving about them instead.

Sometimes I stumble into the thread and wonder if I’ve typed in the wrong page name. it’s kind of a buzzkill when you just wanna rant about the game we supposedly have in common and it gets buried in a mass of posts between people having a conversation about something completely unrelated.

I guess that’s my peeve, that stuff related to other games isn’t put in threads of that purpose. Fill your boots in such threads, but in a thread about Wow related grumbles I don’t really want to scroll through 50 posts about some game I have no idea about to try and find something relatable.


I believe they subsist on photosynthesis and their own effusions

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At this point, pet peeves has become a general peeves thread, not just related to WoW, at the best of times and the new general chat thread at the worst. Not that I really mind, I enjoy it for what it is.

Then burn it and start anew I say. Too many threads have kinda taken this direction I feel. The Void Elf one is essentially the same, as is the unpopular opinions one. Why don’t people just make and keep bumped a general discussion AD thread? It seems absolutely bizarre to consistently have multiple threads derail.

I mean, I know no one is dying over it or the like. I guess I just don’t get it. I think of it like people who go to different book club genre groups only to end up talking about comics the entire time in their small group. Just join a comic group? It just seems more logical but I guess insisting on logic here is my first mistake for these are the WoW forums after all.

Yeah, I get your point. I suppose I just don’t think any of the three aforementioned threads really add all that much, so I take them for what they are: generic discussion threads that have a certain spin on them.

Threads with a focused discussion being unnecessarily derailed onto unrelated topics is lame though definitely.

How? Pet Peeve Thread has always been Pet Peeve + discussion of said peeves, basically some kinda general topic rather than a thread dedicated to a specific topic. It was that way for the previous PP (hehe) thread, the one before that, the one before that, the one before that… and so on.

Fear not, when posting in a pet peeve thread. If anyone finds what you say remotely interesting, you will get a response or some kind of acknowledgement. If they don’t? Well, no amount of keeping other topics out of this thread would change the response you get, would it now?

Good reasons. Very, very good, meltdown related reasons.

Also lol that thread was just one angery boy who then instantly got crushed by the 1337 memesquad. That one hasn’t been on topic since post #1