Pet Peeve: The Undying

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Limitless Threads and 0 meaningful human moderation means things just get strung out like this. I guess this is a peeve too - lack of Blizzard care for their community - but that isn’t really a surprise now for most I guess.


The massive amount of people with that dumb store fox mount


The pig mount is worse - i’m actually putting any person i see on the swine of good fortune on ignore, have to balance the good with some bad.


Like so many other store mounts I smell foreshadowing. We got a suramar kitty in WoD, after all. Next expansion we set sail for the foggy shores of the lost continent of Vulperia.

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Vulperia, the lost land of the flying pigs?

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The flying pig isn’t actually a promotional for the chinese new year but a subtle hint to the players demanding a high elf allied race.


I like the pig and the fox, just as I liked the dumb cloud goat from MoP.


My query wasn’t so much about people acknowledging posts I make or others make, because on that point I completely agree with you, and I haven’t let it stop me posting nor generating replies in such instances.

it’s more related to what Loras picked up on about several threads circulating towards the same generic purpose in a repeated cycle. As I said, I concede this is small fries to be bothered over, but that’s why it’s a pet peeve thread after all.

I won’t even ask about the meltdown stuff because I sense there’s goings on related to that before my time here. My guess if I had to would be the tendency of the general discussion threads to eventually head towards how shall we say “sensitive” topics with some colourful opinions being sprayed. Am I warm?

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Buying store mounts is contributing to the problem.

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It’s not a problem when it’s demand and supply. If people didn’t want to buy the mounts then Blizzard would stop selling them.

I’m one of those chumps who should have taken advantage of the Grinning Reaver, because at the point I finished grinding my LS rep to have my mag har rogue transmog sorted from level 20, I step into the store and the mount I had in mind is now gone.

I should have let the cynical marketing ploy convince me at the time. But alas.

As a digital product there is no supply to consider unless an artificial shortage is ceated to drive up demand as with the see you later bundle and the disney archives.


Yeah but theres just a few of those people, there’s tons with the fox

As for demand, they merely artificially create demand.

Besides, it’s something like 5% of the gaming population who buy micro-transactions and they spend more than the rest of the 95% of people combined.

You understood my point. There’s nothing wrong with Blizzard selling a product that people are willing to pay for. If I want to spend my £ on a store mount, or a race change, or a token, then I’m going to. Honestly I wouldn’t even mind if they brought out store transmog sets.

Nobody is forced to pay for any of it. It’s either purely cosmetic or you can earn it for yourself in-game (regarding the gold gained from the tokens)


We pay for a sub already.


We do. But equally we aren’t dragged kicking and screaming into buying cosmetic items that have no impact on our gameplay, so I don’t really see any problem. It’s not a vital part of the game, there’s no pay-to-win component, which is where there would be a problem.

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We are paying to buy more content.

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Purely optional content. You’re not missing out if you don’t get to fly on a magical, winged pig.


Still Blizzard resources being put into content placed behind a paywall, when we are already paying - and the game is in a bad place already.

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