Pet Peeve: The Undying

Loras is a fan of EA, too, I feel like.


Difference with EA is they went full [insert bad word] and made some elements pay to win. Blizzard just creates the occasional cosmetic mount. I dislike the mounts and wouldn’t ever buy something like that (even if there’s a cool one) because it’s just not how I roll.


Understatement of the year, that.
The average EA game has you pay up for pretty much every major or cosmetic aspect of the game.

It’s not the cosmetic stuff I’m talking about, that’s not pay to win. It’s the situation like with Battlefront 2 at launch where spending lots of money = skip grind to unlock heroes and best skills.

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It starts off as mounts, but Blizzard are now planning on putting toys - what’s next? full transmog sets? Why not full raid gear sets after that?

It is a dangerous path into darkness, especially for a corporation increasingly being strangled in its own greed.


Kinda like paying for a character boost to avoid the grind to unlock current content.

I’d agree with that if it was done at the start of an expansion, which isn’t the case. You don’t get an edge after like a year as you still need to grind (lol) to be competitive.

Toys and mounts I can still agree with, but just like with those helmets they did (and thankfully retired) I’d get pretty :japanese_goblin: if full sets are being sold. However, that still isn’t pay to win.

I’m aware, that’s why I said

and not just cosmetic.

There’s a difference between optional content and pay-to-win features. We both know there’s a distinction.


But Loras, you see, you don’t mind a thing that I dislike, that means I have to put you in the same box as the worst of the specific category that I dislike.

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“Public healthcare is pretty good I guess–”

“Hey, back off Stalin.”


“Vegetarianism is good for the environ-”

“Come here Blondi!”

Remember WoD where all the mounts that could be earned were ‘wolves’ and anything cooler than a wolf was locked behind the shop?

Remember how we’ve had like three or four cash shop mounts in a row, and alliance just gets horses?

Cash shops on a pay to play MMO should not be a thing.

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I’d rather pay a higher sub fee than see Cash shop mounts.


Me: I hope that if vulpera become a playable race they will quickly shed the image of a cutesey bunch of furries.

Blizzard: `


A tunnel will open up in Vol’dun leading to Mechagon in 8.2., letting the Vulpera start pillaging and appropriating Mechagnome tech.

This will lead to them becoming the Chua from Wildstar in 8.2.5. complete with PTSD they suffered from the 7th Legion Despoilers genociding their people.

The Rotgarde blew up our caches on the lagoon :wink: We wanted to do some weapon testing on the hozen that defecated all over the Alliance graveyard, but then the DAMNED ROTTERS ruined it all.

At least don’t spread misinformation OOCly, we’re all better than that…

They wanted to do a Panda justice court complete with judgment delivered by some Shado-Pan, but sadly before we could’ve carpetbombed the rest of Krasarang a certain Bjora-enthusiast and some Tarsias troglodytes had to be uppity and arrest the Unit.

Sad times, we could’ve solved so many problems with some good old ethnic cleansing in that campaign.

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They are just sand goblins.

Bought Dark Souls remastered (because it was cheap), started playing it and…

Would rather just play Dark Souls 1. Is that weird? I know its the same game but I’d just rather play the original. Its not even like i have the original modded or anything.

I prefer the way covenants work in remastered, but that’s about it.

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I’d agree with this IF everything on the store wasn’t already easily obtainable via in game currency.

I got the pig, it cost me nothing more than a little bit of grinding and some savvy auctioneering.

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Except…someone still bought the tokens with real money.

And thanks to how the transfer works, blizz made more profit off of it than if you’d just bought the pig outright.