Pet Peeve: The Undying

Can’t say peeved, but rather mixed between surprised, amused and annoyed when few people yell at you and accuse you of stalking while you end up OOCly chilling in same part of capital city as they do. Guess hanging in public places is forbidden with punishment of labeling now? xD

How many of the devil’s do you have?
I have 4, every couple of weeks I have severe headaches and gum pain. Can I get them removed? No, because there’s nothing wrong with them. I’m too old to be growing new things that aren’t nose hair.

My biggest pet peeve is people not willing to play ball and play the long game politically. I think it’s because a lot of people mischaracterize what being a cool pragmatist looks like, based on popular media.

World of Warcraft RP has no stakes. 0. Nobody has power over anyone, apart from the power to not play ball. So playing hardball is pointless; the only threat you can really make is ‘if you don’t play with me, I won’t play with you!’ and shaking your fist really hard at your screen. The only reason people will come back to you to tell stories is if they’d be bored doing nothing at all and then probably regretting it because everybody refuses to learn.

What’s worse is that, because there are no stakes, nobody is forced to learn anything. People can self-sabotage all they want and there are no repercussions. So other guilds just have to pretend that this is a realistic situation. It just bugs me, man.

TLDR: People’s instinct to play hardball politics when they have literally 0 power over other political forces is dumb and immersion breaking af.


Bought a new weapon off the AH for my ele shaman, watch me get a weapon every dungeon from now on.

EDIT: Going to do the same for my mage, so i expect a new weapon every dungeon on her too.

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It’s going to be years before I get a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 3. The secret ending teasing me hella hard right now. I can’t believe that [MEGA SPOILER]! But I guess it’ll be okay with the next game. Maybe.

Holes in socks, seriously it ruins my entire day if I stumble into work and feel a hole near my toes :frowning:


genuinely makes me want to delete my toes


But it ain’t worse than wearing wet socks.


Finally updated my talents on my shaman. I’m not fond of the new rotation.

What, you don’t like the exact same rotation as every other class? Use resource generator, use resource spender, repeat?


It was more compared to my last rotation with other talents on my shaman.

I don’t like the introduction of Icefury and Frost shock in my rotation and I’m doing less damage now.

Welcome to WoW, now, go back to your 3 button rotation and enjoy yourself… or else. No fun abilities allowed.


Destrolocking is exactly this since forever. At least the fireworks are pretty. Doubly so if green.

Join a BG. Someone dies.

“omg typical alliance always lose why not go home to ur mom losers. learn to play rtrds omg this faction why even pvp…”

Win the game. No reply.


People who have something like:

Find out IC!

In their TRP.

It’s terrible. Stop it right now. I read TRPs to check if people have a basic grasp on lore, or to find out if a character is worth RPing with/too snowflakey. If you do this I have zero desire to speak to you IC. How do I know your Blood Elf paladin isn’t secretly a kobold in disguise?

What’s just as bad is:

DH’s or those with true sight please whisper me!

Just say what you really are in your TRP, damnit.


You are right!
It’s terrible, I read TRPs myself to check if i can meta or be an elitist while
disregarding the concept of meeting a stranger without instantly knowing his background and personal information… If your TRP doesn’t include your creditcard number you are not worth my time!

And that i can’t instantly recognize abilities that have no recognisable physical feature… it angers me just as much.


I never meta but I am, by my own admission, elitist. I don’t RP with Horde Aligned High Elf Shado-Pan Lords and the like, and fleshed out TRPs help me figure out who’s what so I can disregard lorebreakers and dodgy character concepts.

What I know OOC does not affect my IC actions, so please don’t paint me like I want to know these things to help suss out people’s IC strengths and react in RP accordingly. The issue I have with the “DH’s please whisper me” thing is that if you have a concept hinging on the fact that no one knows what you are because what you are is dodgy, the Illidari NPC characters that exist in lore would have dealt with the character already.


forum randomly chooses a character it wants to send a message on instead of using the last one

that’s it

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Well the problem with decked out trps like that is that you have this little thing where your brain subconsciously processes the data and uses it.
Disregarding a person on knowledge that came from his trp before engaging actually is a sort of meta.

And here is where roleplay becomes a sort of art
How would your character deal with such characters without that knowledge?
I think a person like you can be quite creative.
Turn that dodgy lorebreaker into someone that is
A talltale telling buffoon.

When you have the occasional lorebreaker/dodgy/shady/loller i just icly deal with them for example if ragnaros’s 3rd kneecap speaks to me i just treat him like he has gone insane or has been adled by the void or the war hasnt been easy on him… or use said person for a minor event, i dont even use trp anymore because it feels more immersive to me.

And finally i mock the words not the man.


Peeve of today… A snowstorm. This thing will last for two days. Considering the place I’m in and the complete lack of natural protections like trees or hedges the place is filled with snowdrifts as tall as men. Clearing the snow is pointless because the cleared path is filled again not even two hours later but it has to be done or else people can navigate around same with snowplow.

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