Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yeah and so is ignoring OOCers, trolls, people who just dance in the middle of RP, the accidental jumps that people are prone to doing, etc, etc. It’s all very meta.

But meta ain’t bad in that regard, it’s reasonable for people to be inclined to avoid a :poop:show

Frankly, I don’t see why anyone would want to interact with a Lightforged Man’ari Dreadlord that’s just hanging out in the middle of Stormwind, and its odd to try to turn that into a ‘gottem’ about how someone who would avoid such a character is a total meta-gaming powerplaying elitist.

Odd as in, makes you seem like you are one of them goofs.


Succubus in disguise looking for prey. As a warlock RPer, I can confirm that this is always the case and has been a festering boil on our niche community.

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That is also true.

To send him back to the nether where he can bother his wife’ari

We are all forum goofs


On a similar note albiet slightly reversed there is one type of TRP I hate and that is the over-excess of people who only care for “feudal/medieval” rp in a game that has space ships, guns, and overpowered steampunk weaponry.

I get people want to rp low fantasy in a game that is clearly not meant for it but there are other MMO’s that adheer to the Witcher 3/GoT/Dragon Age stereotypes, wow isnt for you if thats what you’re after.

It was never for you the moment we had a dark portal, which goes as far back as the first RTS game.

Sorry to say it, but, WoW is more or less the singular genre of “fantasy” while incorperating every genre into itself. If all you’re after is “life is feudal” theres a game out there for that, its called, ironically “life is feudal”.

Honest gripe of mine, im just tired of seeing noble rpers and feudal rpers since both just bore me these days, have some imagination.


What’s funny is the Witcher, GoT and Dragon Age all contain massive amounts of fantasy. Maybe not WoW-levels but I know all three straight up has magic and dragons. At most GoT is just “What if a medieval setting had magic?”.

Anyway, semi-related:

All magic takes multiple hours to cast, is extremely rare, and you’re a mary sue if you don’t adhere to any of this headcanon

btw my armour deflects magic



Magic isnt hard to cast, powerful magic is, magic deflecting armor is dependant on hides/leathers/cloth/plate and their availability, people fail to understand some resources are harder to get your hands on than others.

For example, Saronite is fairly common in Northrend but good luck finding Elementium anywhere, the strongest armor in the lore.

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*stares at u blankly in my full elementium armor *

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Oh I won’t pretend magic is infallible (Far from it).

I just remember waaay back I tried to join a military guild. But I was the only mage more or less. And every time I tried to do literally anything the DM/GM tried to cut me off. And not in a “Hey, is it alright if you don’t solve this? Just for everyone else’s enjoyment?” way (Which I will usually oblige to so long as I am given a valid reason, like ‘The enemy has a mage of their own countering you’ or something will do), I mean in a “No, you can’t do that. I mean literally your character can’t do that, now sit down, shut up, and let me continue spamming raid warnings about my epic duel with the Big Bad Guy” sort of way.

Peeve: Guilds where it’s basically the GM and his RL buddies as officers doing all these amazing feats and adventures, everyone else is a faceless mook who isn’t allowed any input in events. Kindly **** off with that.


Mining Deathchin’s jaw is illegal, criminal scum.


They’re also incorrect and incompatible with the lore.


The jokes I could make are not the jokes I should make and that is all I am allowed to say on the matter on this forum under these rules.

I guess I have a problem with the rules. But then I could just go set up my own WoW related forum because of the magic of the free market…

Okay, I’ve now played the Anthem demo up to completing the Matthias quest (which then prompted the game to tell me to buy it, so I guess that’s the demo ‘story’ complete?)

I played around with both the standard Ranger and Colossus suits.

All in all…eh

I’m not feeling a Bioware spark for the world. The dialogue options I’ve seen are a binary choice of “Yes and nice” or “Yes and ‘sassy’”. The flight controls are a bit floaty, the guns don’t feel super cool - despite having futuristic robot suits and magic they all just are guns that we have IRL except ‘bigger’.

The hub area is big and is meant to feel alive but it’s all window dressing. Walking feels mega slow there too for no real reason.

Honestly not too impressed. I hope it does well so that Bioware can make Dragon Age 4, but I doubt I’ll be picking Anthem up anytime soon. Certainly not at release.

What all my sources have told me is Anthem is okay, but it’s also a less good Warframe, which is free to play and available on every platform anyway.

Was kinda hoping Anthem would be a more accessible and less grindy Warframe but… eh. I’ll check in on it in a year.

That is where the demo ends, yes.
The story anyway.

I kinda enjoyed the game, but there’s too many loadscreens, the flight feels clunky, entire swarms of enemies just randomly vanish, there’s too many loadscreens, the plot seems very generic and bog-standard, the weapons lack OOMPH, and there’s way, way too many loadscreens.

Potential exists, but there’s a lot of touching up to be done before it’s gonna be worth throwing money at.

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Ah, the loading stuff was also a problem. I dunno if it’s just my (getting on in years) PC or what but consistently I’d load into the area and I’d be invisible and the area wouldn’t be there and I’d have to wait a good 30 seconds before the world populated with…the world.

Not even like low texture stuff waiting to pop in, it’d just be empty space with skybox, and then slowly my suit would appear bits-by-bits and then the rest of the terrain and everything would show up.

I’m kinda willing to let that just be my PC being not as up to snuff as it maybe should be.

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It’s not. I recently upgraded all my stuff, my loadscreens were too many and too lengthy.

The loading screens are long, yeah, but I never had that issue where the world wasn’t there when it loaded so that’s probably on your computer

Actually, Blizzard decided it was a good idea to make Leystone better in… quite literally every single aspect, as you learn through, what was it, a BS or mining quest.

I deny this lore Blizzard has made.

Yeah it is kinda dumb to declare any material the best at X when you are making an MMO and know full well the next expansion will bring new crafting materials that will make better gear than the ‘best at X’ stuff.

Lol. Why use metal when you can get yourself an axe made of wood that can wound space Satan? Literally no need for the best ore in the world if wood can do the trick.