Pet Peeve: The Undying

He could go to Mechagon as an alternative :angel:

Not if he wanted to unlock flying.

No flying for him :man_shrugging:

what a lovely outlook on life


Oh, sorry, let’s remove everything because I promise you there will be someone, somewhere that dislikes something about a zone, for every zone.

Idk i think a major phobia like that is common enough to make it worth considering. I loved the idea of an underwater zone myself, but if it makes it unplayable for a decent proportion of people, I don’t really think it’s worth it.

That goes for some other things too, of course, like people with arachnophobia struggling with spiders in the game. Something like that, I feel, could be helped by a toggle option that switches spiders to something else, but that wouldn’t really work with an underwater zone.

All that aside though, you could make your point without being so unpleasant about it.


Problem is. The answer was not the right one but.
In this case, we can do it for everything.
“I have a fear of spiders. Please don’t put them again.”
“I have a fear of snow. Please don’t put snowy zone again.”
You can have it for everything and anything. but the way it was answered is not really smart IMO.

Dislike =/ common and major phobia


pls I’m colorblind as hell and I’m carrying my weight with those damn bejeweled puzzles, some nerd can go be in pixel water.

(I too have an irrational fear of the pixel water but tbh at least it’s not like the mission where I had to fetch derek’s corpse)

Again for context not saying they should never do underwater zones but maybe tweaking them to address the problems with triggering phobias and genuine gameplay issues due to being in 3d space.


You can’t do it for everything, but I think the ones that really stand out and are more common can be avoided. The issue is that with a game with such broad appeal as this, you kind of have to keep those things in mind.

There’s nothing wrong with underwater levels in games, games set underwater etc. But I think that in an open world MMO like this where you’re expected to spend months in the same zone, it’s better to consider these things.

But I agree with Akamito above - I just thought Shadowtwili’s way of putting it was really crass and dismissive.

I was a big fan and still am of Vashj’ir, it was an excellent way to put us out of our depth and do something new with the questing. I’d be happy to do another underwater zone in the future and possibly Nazjatar could have been it for a number of reasons.

But perhaps the reason Blizzard didn’t do that is because they couldn’t find a way to make it work without the same issues of Vashj’ir cropping up. Namely the issues with gameplay and a decent kickback for people who struggled with the setting due to phobias.

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tbh tbh to be entirely honest tbh I just don’t think all content of every game can be made for everyone. That’s just how it be. Unless they start adding toggles for almost every asset to turn it into a happy rainbow instead of what it originally was.

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Don’t disagree with that, just speaking from experience.

I agree, though I think there have been enough complaints about this specific phobia that it’s worth listening to. There are other examples where I have no problem saying “this isn’t for everyone” like Sekiro (and the annoying debate that followed and overshadowed that).

I’m like 50/50 there. I also get hella anxious about zones like Vash’jir and Nazjatar, but at the same time I really love 'em dude, and I’d hate to see them go or get changed.


You experience a sympathetic neural overdrive that sends your heart pounding painfully in your chest, causes you to drench your clothes in sweat, makes your hands tremble so hard you can’t point the mouse, causes your mouth and throat to dry up, makes you dizzy and nauseated, makes it harder to breathe and just makes you want to flee from the current situation?

I dunno, did I say ‘i get a panic attack’? I don’t think I wrote that.

This seems like a weird attempt at guilt-tripping just because I like a concept/theme and don’t want to see it altered/removed.

I don’t think it’s right comparing your “50/50 hella anxiousness” to someone with a legit phobia.

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wowwee good thing I wasn’t doing that, I was only saying that I have negative feelings about zones like that as well, to clarify that it isn’t just a case of ‘haha get h*cked people with phobias i don’t care about you’.

Get off the high horse friend you’re acting :crazy_face: