Pet Peeve: The Undying

I thought that trend started dying down a bit? As in people now are more aware of such things and generally bail ASAP once it’s clear.
The funny part of those guilds is that when you bring it up… The mental gymnastics that go around to deflect your accusations are pretty amazing…

RE2 remake got me interested in the series, so I went to check where I should start my journey. So I went bought and Resident Evil 0.

And holy hell, the controls are absolute… butt!

OG Resi games are… unique.

I highly recommend 4, it’s where the games got a bit more ‘modern’. The controls are still a bit clunky but the third person camera behind the shoulder and general increase in mobility and aiming makes it easier to get into. But it is where the series got more action-y rather than spook-y. But the game had a good balance, starting as super tense but by the end you’re a badass (Similar to Re7).

Resident Evil is a capcom game, capcom games always had… unique controls.

EDIT: Camera angles too.

Got to remember that Resident Evil one came out before the invention of analogue sticks.

Hence the tank controls.

I’ll give it a shot. But I kinda wanna start from the beginning and work my way up, following the story. I can get used to the controls. What mostly infuriated me was the game design.

I lost like 30 minutes of progress, because there was no save point to be found along the way, and being a rookie that I am - having no clue of what I’m facing - I wandered into the wrong room with no save point, character with health at “Caution” and some seemingly unkillable monster spawning between me and the exit.

To anyone who knows what I’m talking about: this was right at the start of the mansion where I died. My last save was at the train.

That was on PS1, though, wasn’t it? And it received a HD remake almost 20 years later (The game was released in 1998, I believe, and remake in 2016. Nearly 20 years later.) Along with it, it became PC compatible. Now I know next to nothing about game design, but surely they could have done something to… modernize the controls and game design a bit?

Edit: Oh, no, it was gamecube. Huh, never owned one.

Ended up walking into a zombie too many times because of those angles. You knew where they were, you could hear them, but you couldn’t tell if you were shooting a wall or a zombie, so you had to get a better angle.

Walked right into one’s embrace.

At least Elementium once had the downside of being ridiculously heavy to the point of it being useless as armor as one would be immobile in it, not to mention its rarity.

Might have been worried that they’d lose the ‘feel’ of the game if it was more fluid?

It’s possible. But RE2 shows otherwise.

Live and learn. But I doubt we’re going to see a remake of the older RE games the likes of RE2 and RE7. For one, it’s already done. And two, I doubt they’re as wanted as RE3 remake currently is.

And RE8 is in the making, from what I’ve heard.

A RE3make would be pretty reasonable since it reuses a bunch of RE2 areas (and thus, assets) making it cheap(er) to develop.

So now the forum mods have taken upon themselves to correct our foul language… Now is it an improvement over being banned/Silenced temporarily? I can’t tell.

Oh no, their doing a cyber rendition of washing our mouths out with soap.

Wash my mouth out mommy mod :weary: :ok_hand: :sweat_drops:

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Worse. I’d rather suffer the consequences of saying something then be censored by some over zealous ar5e. Stupid as those consequences are.

My own mother didn’t correct my language, some blue sod on a power trip can do one.

That said they actually do both. They “correct” your post AND suspend you. At least they did on my Dwarf and another person.

Peeve: This nonsense.

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I’ve mentioned once being in a guild where the leader openly admitted such, called the rest of us trash and plundered the guild bank as their personal property. The “goodbye, guild” disbanding thread was predictably full of sycophants and shaming rules shut up the rest of us…

Peeve: I still don’t know my trust level but at least I know that I’m denied linking to youtube which suggests I’m level 1 despite my record.

Peeve: People who think armour is useless.

It’s not. Knowing how armour works IRL is actually extremely relevant in WoW. You know why?

Because, while you can make a sword out of ridiculousmaterialum and enchant it with a thousand spells of cutting rather decisively, there is nothing that prevents your opponent from getting armour made out of ridiculousmaterialum and enchanting it with a thousand spells of fending off blows in a kind but determined manner.

Which puts you back at square one.



Edit: Here’s some more FAX for you. Cloth armour is not awful at all and properly made padded armour IRL can stop a longbow arrow at close range. We have leathers IRL that are thin enough to be made into armour but can resist basically anything short of gunfire. Plate armour is not heavy (modern soldiers carry more weight) and it is well distributed across the body so it still permits rolls and similar maneuvers. It also won’t really slow you down at all - just make you tire faster.


In all fairness, while I think realistically portraying armour would be cool n’all, we’re in a universe where there’s dragons and elves and zombies and TONS of magic, so I wouldn’t really force people to accurately react to someone wearing armour. But on that vein, I also wouldn’t bat an eye if I see a Warrior pulling off amazing feats of strength. Like… that’s their thing, isn’t it?

That is a backwards way of looking at it. In order for fantasy worlds to function, they share IRL physics unless specified otherwise (usually due to magic).

Consider an apple falling from a tree in RP. You would expect this apple to fall just like it does IRL, assuming no magic or something like that is acting on it.

For similar reasons, I am going to assume that an arming sword is going to bounce right off a steel breastplate with no effect (again, assuming no curse is upon that particular breastplate or something).

While Blizzard sometimes throws all consistency aside, I really don’t think we shouldn’t. At best, it just makes the resulting storywriting worse. At worst it creates an unusable setting where no one can do anything because no one knows what will happen (I throw an acorn at you! It doesn’t bounce off your armour but rather it massively explodes for no reason because WOW NO REALISTIC HAHA).

Sorry I just see that kind of argument all the time and it really hurts RP imo. Sure, there are all kinds of little unrealistic things that are unexplored and we just have to ignore anyway (like how a gryphon could fly, for example) but they are easier to gloss over because you never need to draw attention to it. But if someone is swinging a sword at you, you bet that the effect of your armour will be right in focus.


I’m not saying other people shouldn’t RP armour realistically. Poor wording on my end, but what I meant to say was that I myself wouldn’t tell people that all their attacks do nothing to me because I say so, but shouldn’t also be surprised that a Warrior’s capable of having immense amounts of strength and whatnot. Really just a jab at the “WaRrIoRs ArE jUsT aVeRaGe FoOtMeN” argument that some people apparently think is still valid.

I mentioned RPer handling of firearms in the previous (or the one before that) peeve thread, but yeah, that’s a serious thing.

Most bullets wouldn’t even be able to penetrate any decent armor
I’ve seen people RP that tiny little flintlocks would easily pop straight through a steel breastplate, like, big oof.