Pet Peeve: The Undying

I see u in ur armour, i cast a ton of fire magic at u

checkmate footman


really boils down to how much Armor Penetration your sword has


Just use a hammer dummy. Your armor won’t matter if your innards become meatloaf.


People can RP warriors how they like, Superman is supported by the setting of course, but I prefer the Batman approach so to speak.

If anything, Batman is good evidence that you do not need absurd supernatural physical traits to keep pace with those who do. Equipment, skill, intellect, preparation, technology… Those are much more interesting to play with than throwing mountains at each other imo.

Why care about armour when your body is strong


I can’t tell if you say that in the sense you’re agreeing with my statement, or in the sense that you think I’m saying Warriors can only be RP’d in a very specific way, so I’ll say this just so I can hope I’m not misunderstood:

It’s pretty much what I was edging for, yes. If you do want to be an average footman, be my guest, but don’t tell other people they have to be just because you say so.


Essentially that. You don’t have to be non-supernatural, but neither is it wrong to be. Neither is it right for those who do play beyblade tantrumjumping warriors to claim they autowin against such warriors - just because you can leap around a lot doesn’t mean you are immune to being outskilled by your opponent who can’t.

I see your hammer and I raise you a new challenger - armour padding.

Hammers still hurt of course but they are by no means the perfect weapon either.

(In my obviously unbiased opinion that would be poleaxes - the most v e r s a t i l e weapon ever invented).


Let’s see that padding to jack shyte against a two handed mace we see in wow, not only will your innards become meatloaf, your armor will be the garnish.

Assuming you ever hit with it.

Paladins can wield their giant hammers with ease (ty Holy Light)


Guys, Guys, Guys! obviously the best weapon is the staff (or Bo Staff) not only is it not a super lethal weapon so you can allow you opponent a chance to leave after they are beaten, but you also getting the bragging rights of “I beat you up with a giant stick.” Also, super easy to use, incredibly good when mastered.


Chieun attaches the continent of Northrend to a stick and uses it to smack you on the head with.

(wow is not realistic, stop complaining guys)


tbf a hammer or other blunt weapon is almost specifically made to dent armour. Do that and suddenly your opponent’s ribs are being crushed by their own armour. Swords are largely used for lightly armoured opponents.

No one would deny that, but armour padding is no joke either.

Blunt weapons are the best pick vs armour specifically, but it’s not like it’s a gauranteed oneshot, especially if they aren’t just lying down and letting you get a square hit in.

If armour wasn’t good, it wouldn’t have been so widely used.

draws an enchanted wand which has been forged to look like a rapier

"Did someone say armor penetration skills? Do you want to teach someone a painful lesson of combat? Worried that someone disagrees on your style of efficiency? Your prayers have been answered!

This weapon has it all; it’s fast enough to block incoming attacks just as easily as a shield would and it cuts through armor regardless of its type and not because it’s a rapier but because you can cast spells with it!

Are you facing an impossible opponent? Look no further: you can shrink them to size of flea with this fabulously powerful weapon! Now you can pretend they don’t exist!

The weapon also suits for more humble types as it can act just like a normal weapon and it answers to your skill level. Just change its type to your liking and it will bend like lore in Blizz’s hands!

Now with a rainbow glitter effect at every masterful cast, but it’s limited time only so don’t hesistate and order now! You will also get an invisible user manual with it, so if you get bored, the fine print will keep you occupied!

Using this weapon will absolutely save you from ever having to concern yourself with social interaction required to resolve whether your weapon or armor will be efficient in battle against another RPer! Even wielding it bolsters your character’s awesomeness!

Get this epic weapon now and say goodbye to all RP related complications!"

seathes the weapon

(Only smart people will see the user manual, so if you were early and didn’t get the manual, it’s in your head…)

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This now makes me wish Fromsoft made a rapier that could cast sorceries in Dark Souls.

Have a rapier casting crystal soul spear, because we heard you liked piercing so we put piercing on top of your piercing

Peeve: paying ÂŁ20 or so for an all you can eat, getting home, passing out, then throwing it all up cause I ate so much.

In the old days they’d “proof” a breastplate by firing a gun at it. The visible dent was a guarantee of quality.

But then, WoW armour has battleship thickness and there is magic gunpowder and enchanted arrows. I’m going to have to invoke the power of Plot on this one.

Working as intended as it’s evidently all you could eat.

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While I agree on principle, this is clearly not (completely) the case with WoW. There’s a lot of physics denying stuff and other things that warp the laws of physics, magic being only the most obvious one, but things like the armor thickness being easily an inch or even two thick on average from official artwork or zeppelins being able to fly or many of the flying creatures in WoW, things aren’t a simple 1=1 transition, but it’s definitely also not a 1 = 10 transition, much like your gryphon example shows.

I’ve no issue with having a sword pierce or even hack through an armor, when it fits the narrative (it’s made of awesomemetal/the guy using it is using some ability/magic that makes it rly good at penetrating stuff/something else).

This is btw also a bit exaggerated.

While yeah, blunt weapons do transfer more force through the armor than, say, a sword does, and they do counter the armor -to an extent- (depending on things like the type of head the blow is carried by, the force behind it and the angle by which it strikes), plate armor is still the best possible defense you can have against blunt weapons.

That blunt trauma will go straight through padded gambeson, mail and leather, but at least the plate will distort or deform and by it’s design disperse some of the force evenly across the body (the force of the impact is transferred through the plate and then into the person). It’s a hard shell around you, rather than something that caves in very easily and just forces you to take the full force of the impact.

More importantly, if the point you’re being hit with is very broad, then by default a lot of the impact is also spread more evenly, as the surface of the impact is also larger.

I mean yeah if you get hit in the head while wearing a helmet, that sucks, but chances are you’ll still actually live and you only had to stagger/fall back from the blow rather than outright die from the impact which wearing no armor would cause to happen.

Blunt weapons aren’t an automatic “I win” card against plate armor, just as sharp things aren’t.