Pet Peeve: The Undying

Both are victim blaming, and both are as logical.

Man I can’t wait to play the MoP expansion where we turn up, release the Sha, then the shado-pan effortlessly deal with it and we all go home.

Maybe I’ll finally get that burger.

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Discussing how a fantasy army with anthropomorphic Pandas being racist might make them prone to a corrupting influence that feeds on hatred is not at all comparable to a real life example of extremely traumatic violence.

You mean like how the Illidari dealt with the Legion on their own instead of having a bunch defect and become variously questline, dungeon or WQ enemies?

It’s gonna be great.

A corrupting influence they had successfully kept contained for thousands of years before the Alliance and Horde came and turned everything upside down. But sure, it was somehow the Shado-pan’s fault…

It is about time that we discussed, once more, the pandaren question.

Take it away, candidate Aerilen.

This is the first time I see a pandaren in Grim Gest. Thought the guild doesn’t recruit them…

It’s hard to kill something that gets stronger the more you fight against it. That’s the whole point of the Sha - if you hate them, you lose. If you despair at your chances, you lose. If you fight them, you lose.

The fact that the Sha of Violence was killed by violence is one of the most absurd parts of Mists’s story.

Unfortunately, WoW isn’t really able to comprehend solutions more advanced than ‘beat it with a stick’.

On a happier note, finding a village afflicted with the Sha of Despair and curing them by manifesting their depression physically and then beating the $&#@ out of it was incredibly cathartic.


You need mass reports for an automated one but a blue not that long ago said name reports are looked at individually, but I expect the GMs for Classic are up to their eyeballs in more important things.

To be fair some of those requests are a bit much and would drastically change the way the game plays and feels.

HD models I agree with since it wouldn’t change the game itself at all. Purely visual and we have literally every other graphics option from 2019 anyways.

A new race is a no-no since, for the time being, they want to replicate Classic gameplay as much as possible. Adding a new race entirely would go against that (Until TBC at least if they ever do that).

Transmog is a weird one. It is a great QoL improvement and a boon for roleplayers. But it drastically changes how players can perceive each other. I can look at someone and at a glance tell exactly how well geared they are (Sans neck, rings and trinkets) and how hard they have worked. That’s pretty neat in itself and is a big part of why epics are so valued because they look super cool.

Transmog in the modern game isn’t a big deal because 90% of gear you get is just copies of other gear that drops in plentiful amounts so visual identity is basically gone anyways, and you can identify an enemy players rough gear level by checking their HP. In Classic you can’t see enemy HP values outside an addon (That doesn’t work well with players) and there’s a lot more unique models for gear which immediately indicate who is equipped with what. I’ve attacked and won vs players of a higher level because I knew I had better gear than them just by looking, transmog would make that impossible.

Mounts being available earlier would massively shake up world PvP in 30ish zones where both sides clash more frequently (Hillsbrad and STVietnam come to mind), plus 100g at lv30 is a LOT of money for the mount and skill. Besides, in terms of XP required lv40 or so is the actual half-way mark to 60, not 30. So yeah that would be a big change.

I won’t deny the Classic forums can be a cesspit of people who irrationally hate the idea of HD models whilst playing with real time shadows, bloom, maxed AA and view distance at 120fps… but I’m not surprised they’d react negatively to things that would drastically change the gameplay. For now they just want a more polished vanilla, so HD models would be fine for me, but anything beyond that is just not on the table.

I wouldn’t expect any drastic changes tbh. Blizzard have yet to decide whether they want an immortalised version of Vanilla for the sake of history, or if they want a ‘Classic+’ with new content built with old ideas.

Sha are defeated either by destroying their physical manifestation or simply mastering your emotions as they tried to overwhelm you… Or getting exorcized by a Shado-Pan fixes it.

Shaohao defeated his Sha without hating them.

See above.

On that we agree… Unless we go by the asumptions that all heroes were masters of their emotions as they were there to get that fat loot.

I’m not convinced - I’ve submitted individual reports for stuff that’s clearly against naming rules and then found them days/weeks later with the same name.

Of course they were. The player is simultaneously flawless and a total idiot.


Ofc, silly me. What was I thinking?

would be interesting if there was a sha of greed that was at the same time a raid boss…

We got the Sha of happiness…

So a Sha of greed would just be Activision Blizzard, it transcended even reality :stuck_out_tongue: .

I want the Sha of Procrastination.

Naming reports are reviewed on an individual basis. It’s just that it’s done when they can get around to it and with this crunch of making more with less for record profits, you have four people per continent to review names in person. Expect results in 2068.

It will stir. Eventually. One of these days.



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Pah, here that’s practically summer temperature. We usually have snow fall in early October, for goodness’ sake!

I live in Sweden and I am seeing a concerning amount of snowless winters recently. :frowning: