Pet Peeve: The Undying

What did the West Country ever do to you

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One of us! One of us!


Honestly, last time I checked on the PTR (like, a week ago?), the worgens female faces were still broken.

It’s good to know we already have a small community starting, it will make creating the Vulpera Market day easier.

Broken? you mean completely destroyed.

Oh no, no, let’s be fair! The update is pretty cool, even if more scary faces like their male counterparts would be nice! No, I mean that the two faces that should have a yellow glow have
 Well, don’t have the glow, and the other faces have all the same grey eyes. (When it all works, and it worked for a while, each faces had different eye colors and the two were glowing properly. It was nice, made me even hesitated on taking one of the not-glowing faces.)

Gnomes not being able to speak dwarvish. Cmon blizz wtf we’ve lived next to them for ages.


The C’tan ate those.

I expect to see fixes as time goes.

All the core race updates got touched up in the patches following their addition. It seems only Nightborne got utterly screwed and will forever be unable to blink their giant anime eyes.

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Honestly, Dwarves and Gnomes should both be able to speak Dwarvish and Gnomish.


Ah, i thought you meant they were still the old Death Chihuahua ones from cata.

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You can always roll a void elf.

I think we’re past “Void elf bad haha, so edgy and a**pulled lmao ecksdee!”

They’re here, we all know it was badly introduced, let’s make peace with it and hope it’s gonna get better (even though I don’t.).


Baruk KhazĂąd.

Nah, nah.


Thanks Kump!

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Motherfu- :clown_face:

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Updated female worgen are a vast improvement and I can’t fathom the initial negativity that surrounded their reveal.

“Their eyes are too big!” Yet they’re significantly smaller than what we had before and no longer look inflated. A side by side comparison proves this immediately. Plus, ALL races have big-ish eyes now. That’s just the art style.

“They look too friendly!” yeah because all you muppets focus on is the front and center picture where she’s smiling and not the ones where she’s angry or neutral (Also I found it funny that people loved the male reveal because he “Looks like such a good boye!” but then turn and hate on the female model for the same expression). Nevermind that the new models are capable of actually changing their expressions so they’re not stuck in a derpy snarl (That somehow is at the back of the lips rather than the front???)

“The neck is too thick!” No the neck is now fixed, the old body was insanely dainty and extremely human like. The thicker neck looks stronger and the whole body even is a notably fuller, as opposed to the pencil waist they used to have.

“They look like furbait!” is a complaint every iteration of female worgen has had so that can be instantly discarded. Plus they shrunk the boobs on this one and made them look far more natural. The previous model has balloons under her shirt

“They look like dogs!” Hey, here’s a thing: That’s what we said about the old model for TEN YEARS almost. The new head isn’t ideal, sure, but it’s much closer to what the males have and they actually look like the same species now.

Bonus round: “The new model looks too cute/furry/doglike, the old one was much better!” Sitcom laugh track To say one prefers the old model is valid and is a reasonable opinion even if I strongly, strongly, disagree.

But I just find it hilarious that we’ve complained about the female worgen we got for nearly a decade, they finally get an update that addresses their worst issues (Though sadly hamstrung to the old design somewhat, since for every 100000 people who hated it you had that ONE guy who said "I like them :slight_smile: ) and suddenly people crawl out of the woodwork to proclaim the new model is awful and the old one was just fine.

Probably posted by people who didn’t even play worgen. Gives me flashbacks to the guys who said the new tauren didn’t look “monstrous” enough, always posted by human paladins ofc. Never a tauren poster. :thinking:

Is the new female worgen perfect? No way. But it’s a vast improvement that has addressed all my worst issues, they even added faces with glowing eyes! They didn’t even have to do that but they did anyway!

Oddly though I’ve not heard a blip about the goblin models
 I know people were mad about bigger lips and shark teeth but that’s about it? Same with male worgen
 just sort of a “Yup, they’re HD now” kinda deal. Plus non-glowing eyes
 which look weird imo.


I’m glad they updated worgen casting for both genders. They look a lot better for it.