Pet Peeve: The Undying

:wine_glass:cheers to that

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Why do we even have warglaives as a weapon choice? They could’ve just been made into swords (like the warglaives of Azzinoth) or fist weapons like the few warglaive-like one that drop in Hellfire Citadel.


Even in a fantasy setting it’s hard not to think that Warglaives, alongside Scythes, are a stupid weapon of choice.

Even Blizzard acknowledges this (sorta) since they made a big deal about Mogu being overthrown by a bunch of weaponless bears because their weapons were impractical and just here for show Pepelaugh


While I liked alot of Pandaria, I feel like they kinda dropped the ball on the Mogu. If they were so prone to always infighting and so completly incompetent as Blizzard portrayed them, then how could they have ever been a threat at any point?

I would have preffered if they made them appear threatening rather than just “Big angry dumb dumbs” that the clever Pandaren beat with zero sweat and a fun smirk.

Reminds me. Need to get the Lore walker tabard.

speaking of hellfire citadel fist weapons; i wish they didn’t disappear when sheathed. Wish they sheathed on the back.

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That weird feel when all of the games I am currently playing/interested in are remasters or re-releases.

Currently playing:

WoW Classic
Spyro Trilogy Remaster
Final Fantasy 8 Remaster

And in a week or so the Link’s Awakening Remaster comes out and you know I’m going to be hitting that up.

I must be stuck in the past.


None of the end bosses in BfA raids had their cool, mythic-only phases that are unlike the rest of the fight and come with an entire set of completely new abilities. It would’ve been nice if they could give us that.

Spyro remastered is so good…

I feel like a kid again.


It’s great. But I got the games all mixed up in my head and kept expecting to go to worlds that aren’t in until like the third game.

Haha yeah.

Also Crash remastered is also good.


Need me a Tomba remaster.


That was also on my list to grab. I’d get Crash Racing as well if it wasn’t so expensive and I didn’t already have Mario Kart 8.

Also yo what they’re releasing Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy on Switch. Those games are my absolute jam.

Jedi Academy is where I cut my teeth roleplaying on their multiplayer servers so I know that game’s combat system back to front.

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It’s depressing that I find Classic so much more enjoyable than BfA.

And I was one of the guys laughing at the idea of vanilla servers a few years ago.

Tombi and Tombi 2 were under-rated gems, and Im so glad someone else remembers them.
Also, the 2d cinematics in 1 were gorgeous. And the game was a well balanced challenge, to boot.

I never finished 2, due to the death of Blockbuster :frowning:

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This thread is full of Tauren. :cow:
Although Kaytlinne broke the chain.
(Not a peeve!)


I was a few collectibles off unpetrifiying the dog in 2. To this day I remain livid.

I downloaded them in my ps3, back when I had it. But needs remastering!

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Damn you Switch owners Angry fist!

I too wanna be part of the club!

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You’re not in?.. Nobody respond to Ran anymore.