Pet Peeve: The Undying

Well I don’t have a job and my last pay from my summer job has yet to arrive!

Even then… I gotta use it for getting a car and new clothes.

:cry: Being responsible’s never been so tough.

Uh… Moo?

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Moos in 10 polygons


Because Blizzard wanted to do justice to DHs so they went the extra mile and made warglaives their own weapon class with unique, fitting animations instead of just slapping on the sword weapon class and calling it a day. Warglaives of Azzinoth are swords only because they’re old content and they didn’t want to take them away from the other classes that could use them.
I can’t believe I’m the only one who sees this, it’s so obvious.

I think you misread :smile: , I have no issue personally with Warglaives being a thing. I only brought up Azzinoth as an example as to why I dont understand why the -iconic- Nelf racial/sentinel weapon, which has never been used by DH in lore, is a Warglaive. When it could have been made a sword.

It would basically be like, if they made a Wrench weapon for gnomes, but then made it restricted to Death Knights only.


Except, you know, the DHs use the warglaive animations regardless of what weapon they actually have equipped.

It’s bound to class, not weapon type. Warglaives have no reason to exist. Just more drop table clutter.

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I feel like WoW’s weapon system is kinda dated, they would benefit by making things diffrent, perhaps closer to how D&D does it. Certain classes, and races are proficient with weapons, meaning they can use them without issue and get some bonuses. But there is no actual to limit to what you can/can’t wield.

WoW badly needs animation customisation.

It just isn’t right that those Kul Tirans come in here with their awesome polearm animations and I am stuck with these ones. :frowning: Like sure, the panda ones are neat but they suit staves more than halberds.


Pandaren also have some amazing stealth animation with daggers, but still, yeah. More variation in animations would make things alot nicer!

…who could punch through someone’s torso by way of vauge spiritual training.

All of a continent and not one intact mogu town where they might gather. Nope. Just this odd race of giant dog people appearing where most inconvenient and somehow gathering in huge numbers at the vale.

The industry knows to cater to the bulk of 30something reliable customers who grew up in a certain stage of game development. Just like movies being remakes. It’s more profitable to exploit nostalgia than it is to innovate.

At least crowdfunding enables genres the industry discarded to rise again, like isometric story driven RPG’s.

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It’s curious, since they mention ingame how the modern Mogu all live in several Clans that are more or less at war with eachother, while also having a fragile truce. Yet they apparantly don’t live anywhere.

They got me bang to rights, I’m just a cog in their money making machine turning happily away.

I’m at that age now where I’m so reluctant to try new games unless it in some way appeals to my nostalgia. Even if it’s just a new game that has a familiar setting or style of play. I hate that about myself.

It’s weird, isn’t it? At least they have that stone body replacement thing going where they can be reborn and a mogu army can sleep underground in hidden vaults for ages as if sponsored by vault-tec.

The not so subtle buildup of death themes present that hidden necromancer mogu clan after all.

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Likewise. I’m thrilled to see some things return but I dread a future of this continuing, trying to recapture the nostalgia of the 90’s kids, then the 00’s kids, the the 10’s until they run out of nostalgia, reaching the year of our lord when the industry stopped trying!

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Helps that these more retro releases are just more fun tbh.

I like being able to play games without being constantly nagged to spend even more money. Or put up with a horrible story that tries so hard to be gritty and cinematic but falls flat on its face. And so on.

Games as a service is the worst trend right now. WoW sort of started the idea but it’s bugging me that every developer wants a slice of the same pie when realistically gamers only have so much time and money. It’s one of the reasons Anthem bombed hard.

For me personally, the nostalgia tactic works because, unless they make drastic changes, the older games are often superior in my opinion. Compared to modern trends.

Remember the Modern Warfare remaster? Remember how it crashed and burned when they started making significant changes and adding microtransactions?

Compare that to the Crash trilogy remake which topped charts and is still regarded a great trip of games with only minor quibbles.

True. A lot of things were in fact better in the good ol’ days. shakes cane

No. Does anyone?

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Im not sure if I missed lore in Pandaria, but I still feel that the Mogu pracitising soul harvesting/Necromancy is a little weird. Because A), Yeah they have fallen sidelines massivly from their original thing, but they were titan creatures.

And B) Lei Shen, the big boss man, used Titankeeper power+specialised in life creation, using Anima and blood etc. So the leap over to straight up soul-stealing focusing on death rather than life seems a little weird.

They were already practicing soul magics with stones and ritual binding. It’s just that what we saw on the isle of thunder didn’t go so far as to produce traditional undead beyond those skinny ghost mogu.

Souls screaming eternally bound in phylacteries and immortals cursed to live in stone bodies even as they fall to pieces isn’t horrifying enough. Apparently some moral line is crossed once you start herding skeletons around.

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Exactly. It came and went like a fart because Activision wanted to make a nostalgia cash grab, utilising nostalgia as a marketing tool to not only make more money, but make ALL of the money. Treating fans of the original as open wallets to be milked even more rather than wanting to bring back a beloved game to modern systems. It was so awful even the biggest CoDbro types I know hated it.

Shrunken game world. They probably have mountain hideouts and things like that, but it just didn’t fit.

Cultural obsession with death, probably.

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