On the topic of star wars one of my eternal peeves will be Progenitor being shut down on SWTOR:O. While the RP wasn’t as good as on WoW it was still fun, not to mention storywise SWTOR is the strongest mmo in that regard, in my humble opinion.
Also I recently discovered through RP in ESO that a good friend of mine has been doing that Atton’s mind shield thing for years. In the past people have been trying to manipulate his character magically time after time, so he learned to counter them by instead feeding them random non-sense thoughts when they try to read his mind.
You know, like Atton. Atton lists hyperspace routes, counts ticks off the power couplings even though he had already fixed them and plays Pazaak in his mind because people keep trying to frick with his mind.
But my friend didn’t even know KOTOR existed, and when I redpilled them on it, they’re now looking to play the game too because Atton, Kreia, and everything else sounded just like their jam. They really enjoy that kind of themes in RP.
Disclaimer: Despite RPing a telepath, I did not learn this from him by trying to frick with his mind.
I hate this argument. Having a continent inhabited by a certain limited number of iconic races with historical relevance to the continent, then just giving one of them zero indications of a living culture whilst making them appear everygoshdangwhere is incredibly lazy worldbuilding when even the canonical nomad yaungols get settled camps and oil pump industry.
Nowhere do we see anything resembling the infrastructure necessary to dress mogu in their opulence and giant weaponry but for the isle of thunder and they don’t even have ships by which to travel to and from this one stronghold that the warring clans would logically fight over constantly anyway for legitimacy.
Even if they’re all semi-stone statue immortals that don’t need to eat and sleep, they still need stuff and things so as not to be a roaming band of naked savages.
Atton is a great character that seems lame and generic at face value but once you dig deep has some really interesting history. AKA a better version of Carth Onasi.
Also, I tried ESO not too long ago and enjoyed it. Didn’t realise it had an RP scene, is it big?
That’s what makes him a good character. He subverts that roguish smuggler trope who’s only out for himself when you realize it’s just a a mask while he’s trying to figure out how to atone (hence Atton) for his past.
It used to be bigger. In the past the factions couldn’t interact with one another outside of Cyrodiil, so the communities were very much separate from one another. You’d have to create a duplicate of your character if you wanted to RP with another faction.
One Tamriel changed that. Now factions only really exist in Cyrodiil from a gameplay perspective (though they still exist in lore and the war is still going on). You can be any race, interact with anyone and level anywhere because the whole world scales with you now.
But ESO only has region-wide megaservers, so to balance out the fact that the entire playerbase now plays on one single server, they had to shard the out of the game because the server stability went out the window the first week of One Tamriel launch. Sharding destroys casual pick up RP.
That’s not to say that there still isn’t an RP community; it’s active far as I can tell (though I don’t actively participate in the over all community anymore after retiring the Thieves Guild) but a lot of it revolves around getting people together first before commencing because it’s virtually impossible to find pick up RP in the world now due to sharding.
The upside is that with Homestead update giving us player homes, a lot of people have made their homes into various shops and establishment which are open for public use which kind of helps with the fact that open world RP suffered, but also player homes have a limit for how many players can enter based on size of the home. Mages Guild is active, and so is the Worm Cult guild. There’s currently a years long feud going on which may at last come to an end.
Edit: There’s also a weird French RP community which sometimes used to overtake the public space with their RP and I still don’t know what that sinister French cabal is up to.
I can’t think of the name for a Classic guild I want to try and make.
Was thinking RP/RPPvP focused, an expedition force that travels a good amount, military-ish but not rigid with uniforms or anything. Closer to a merc band composed entirely of Horde races and conducting Horde business.
Taking over the server, obviously.
(No more seriously, a lot of french roleplayers don’t speak english and are a bit stuck when there’s european sharding like that. Damn those american for forgetting we speak more than one language.)