Isn’t that most games that aren’t RPGs these days?
I guess so. Or maybe it’s a Naughty Dog thing.
I honestly hadn’t played a non RPG for years before buying my PS4 this summer.
Trying to think of a non-RPG, and something that isn’t a remaster that is longer, and coming up empty.
I have some kind of lung issue. May be a minute hole, may be an infection. Need to get it looked at. The constant dull ache is… dull.
Well I guess the definition of RPG is blurring with most games these days having some RPG aspects such as character / weapon costumization and skill line progression included.
God of War and Spider-Man come to mind, but do they really qualify as RPGs?
At least they both clocked in at significantly more than 10 hours of playtime with the open world setting.
God of War is the sekiro of JRPGs.
What is a jrpg my nebro
Even Gears 5 has thrown in side quests and upgrades for the bot, with its open hub areas.
Sidequests is such a big hit / miss thing. Adding sidequests just to prolong playtime like in DA:I is a big ugh, but using sidequests to expand on world building and the main plot like in Witcher 3 and God of War is great.
I’m glad The Last of Us wasn’t padded out with a bunch of meaningless fetch-quests adding 5 more hours of gameplay.
Also, is Gears 4 and 5 worth playing if one enjoyed the “story” of the original trilogy?
In my opinion, yes. It continues the story, you aren’t playing as the original Delta, but they are still in it.
Gears 5 is probably now my second favourite one campaign wise. It’s amazing.
You revisit locations from Gears 2 and 3, a few decades on in it too, which is cool.
It’s an RPG made in/by Japan, usually contrasted to W(estern)RPGs.
That does sound cool. Might pick them up. What’s your favorite one?
Gears of War 3. Especially if you read the books before it. (they kinda pulled a mild WoW with that one.)
I mean, there’s also portals to Draenor, but I’m pretty sure those are to be disregarded. That said, seeing how often one still gets send to Outland for quests etc during Legion and even a lil’ in BfA if I’m not mistaken, and the fact that Thrall and Saurfang and his assassin minions could go there with seeming ease do make it pretty clear that Outland is rather accessible.
I know this is a widespread peeve, but it bears repeating. The more I think about it the more money grabbing it seems. I suppose they needed a new plan when the cash shop transmogs didn’t do so well?
Also. Cause 5 is on ultimate pass. I got it for £2, cause its £2 for two months.
It’s an intense money grab, my problem is that loads and loads of suggestions have been coming in on how to improve the game and player experience, but it turns out that they have been using their development time on items and mounts for a subscription based MMO which is locked behind a paywall which would be acceptable for say games like Guild Wars 2 or the Elder Scrolls Online, but not a game we’re already paying a subscription for loyally and buying extra services at double the price other games charge to boot.
This. There ain’t no excuse for this. This is greed, pure, disgusting corporate greed.
One day. One day…
Count me in tbh. Sounds like something actually unique, plus I’ve always wanted to RP a pandaren monk in the Regal Lord mog. It’s why I grinded for it in the first place ironically.
Need to be seen by a doctor within the next 12 hours. No appointments at the GP. Walk in doesn’t open till 6:30, what is this?!