Pet Peeve: The Undying

I hope that it’s not serious.

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We’ll see. Fortunately, I’m too arrogant to die.
It’s my right lung, but I’ve just noticed some pain in the left. So whatever it is may be spreading, or I’ve just got a cold left man-breast.

Late edit:
Appointment acquired. That was lucky.


FF7R looks so good and so pretty and I want to play it now but it’s not out for another like 7 months. :expressionless: My patience is tested.

Why am I so early for everything bar work? Twenty minutes early for this appointment. Typically half an hour early to meet friends…
But work? Twenty minutes late. Nobody notices mind you.

Teasing that Cloud cross dressing scene. :drooling_face:


Why is Outland even accessible but Draenor isn’t?

Outland is another planet.
Draenor is another timeline.


Because Draenor requires travel to alternate universe/time which required a Bronze Dragon to facilitiate, Outland just requires walking through a portal since it’s in the same universe and the Dark Portal was never closed.

Draenor has been mentioned as being inaccessable with the Mag’har recruitment questline where Outland was shown as accessable by Saurfang and Forsaken assassins in the most recent cinematic.

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doesn’t help that damn lazy doctors are always delayed so you’ll have to wait even longer

Yeah I’ve been sent to A&E. Got to walk, it’s out of town, so about a half hour walk and it’s raining. This is not the day.

But is it explained in the game?

Yes, in the Mag’har recruiting quest.

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Sure it is. Mages can make portals, and teleport massive distances to known, set locations. But the average mage isn’t a time traveller.

There’s really no need for any more explanation beyond that to my knowledge.

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Got a cannula in my arm. Sat in a gown… Kill me.

Please don’t die.

Hope everything is okay.


Echoing a million people:

Bloody hate the drop rates in old LFRs. Ran all my plate alts, all four (i have more but are between 110-120), for two bosses in LFR TOS and got relics… … and nothing from bonus rolls after eight possible chances of getting something I needed.

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Welcome to my world. But on top of not getting loot from bosses, I’m also not getting loot that is classified as freakin’ World Drop.

RNG on top of RNG, gotta love that.

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I’m alive! Sprained chest…


Get better soon, friend.

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dont you die on me Distantpeak

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