Pet Peeve: The Undying

Grinding rep so I can get the mage Ahn’Qiraj set.

Hm. If memory serves, all those sets are hideous.

Depends on the colour.

The hunter one’s okay because its purple and red.

EDIT: Case in point, here’s my velf hunter;
The mage one is blue and green as opposed to the bright pink of one of the other cloth sets.

EDIT2: Bright pink is the warlock’s set, poor warlock. The priest one is also a horrid colour.

My left ear is clogged up and I got a cold. So my nose and ear are closed down.

Right now I am only missing constipation from the list and I got the holy trinity formed.

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Need to get a doctors note, or go back to work and potentially destroy my chesticles. Ugh, I hate talking to people.

I posted this originally just before 2am, it’s just gone 6am. I’ve not slept at all. What is wrong with me?

Shaman one looks solid on a tauren. Ten weeks in and I STILL cannot get the belt from the Emperors to complete it…

Lol. Three months myself of solidly farming SoO for my Monk’s legs which repeatedly refused to drop… I thought I’d get the Mythic mount before ever completing my mog.

Turns out I got both last week.

Congrats. :tada:

I gave up on the mount long ago.


Honestly it’s not even that good of a mount. IC could only be used by a Horde tinker/mechanic… Preferably goblin hunter with Engineering.

The worst about SoO is that you can’t ever truly be done with it on all classes. My Shaman has yet to get the Dark Shaman and no Tusks of Mannoroth. So I still gotta drag my way all the way to freakin’ Garrosh to get them.

Seriously SoO and HFC are the worst raids in go in (BRF as well to an extent.)… Long and boring. No more Bear Tartare as well so you can’t speedrun it.

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Definitely. I’m glad I got all the plate and weapon mogs on Uruk before they nerfed bear tartare. Doing transmog/mount runs as a DK sucks…

is actually pretty tolerable now that they nerfed the first encounter (with the cannons and all) into the dirt.

It’s still a drag on characters with little/no mobility skills, but decently doable.


I have the beginnings of a cold, so does my wife. My daughter now has a full blown cold, and she’s never been sick before outside of having vaccinations.

This is going to be a wild week :sunglasses:

I thought they’d changed something. It’d become incredibly doable.

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The cannons are damn near invincible even on mythic and you only need to grab like, 3 or 4 of those ammo boxes and then it’s GG. Couldn’t get any easier.

Shame most of the sets are ugly as sin. But I need some weapons in there.

Bad sets usually still have decent individual pieces. But yeah, I’ve been going through it over and over for weapons. Also helps that I got the Felsteel Annihilator twice now.

I still remember seeing the HFC DK set preview before the raid dropped. It might be one of the worst dk sets ever.

The normal and heroic versions are pretty decent (depending on what race), but yeah, the mythic one is a flop and looks more like a wannabe mage.

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Some HFC sets look alright, and there are some fancy weapons. My main issue is that HFC and WoD overall had an issue that BfA has. The armour designs are all primarily made for one race. In WoD it was orcs, in BfA its troll or Kul Tiran Human.

HFC hunter set is one of the best hunter sets ever made (perhaps the very greatest) and does look good on a wide variety of races from elves and humans to dwarves and gnomes.