We’re halfway there now. Gonna watch Infinity War: The Thanos Cut (Infinity War, but it’s only the scenes including Thanos) on Netflix to pass the time, I guess.
My pet peeve would be that guild events somehow always end up in a success. I imagine that there are some guild events where that is not the case but the majority just are, I suppose?
Dunno, just seems odd and I am sure that suddenly failing a task in an event would bring fresh wind.
It’s probably because a lotta guild events are set up in a way where it’s win or die. At which point, yeah, winning is a preferable outcome for the vast majority of the members.
It’s very possible to do, but requires antagonists that aren’t out for blood, and/or for guild members who know when to retreat. Bandits might cut and run with your company’s gold stash but you can’t really let those Void Cultists get away, as Tehya mentions.
That and winning the day feels good and having to retreat and let your enemies win feels bad, and generally we play wow and RP to feel good! It’s okay to win a lot when you are the protagonists of the story being written
just read a genius ‘theory’ by a guy at blizzardwatch that
-Arthas was influenced/corrupted by Yogg
-So was Bolvar after being broken by Arthas
-Bolvar becoming LK was part of Yogg’s plot all along
-And Terenas’ ghost was also Yogg.
-All so that the Scourge could be ‘unleashed’ on the world once n’zoth comes back
All of that to justify the “There must always be a Lich King” line.