Pet Peeve: The Undying

As I always said. Legion had mediocre lore but excellent gameplay and incentives.

BfA is bad on all fronts except the usual art and music department being on top.

looks angrily at broken shore

I didn’t say everything was perfect my friend :smiley:.

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I look at legion and I look at BFA. And the only real difference is the lore. Otherwise they’re the same expansion.

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And in the end it’s all WoW. Sometimes it’ll be good sometimes it’ll be bad but people will always, always complain about the loot system not dropping their thingy and misattribute it to a systemic failure of the current expansion rather than a simple percentage failure of good ol’ RNG, going strong since 2004.


[Current Expansion] is bad and the worst one ever!


Tbh I can’t remember an expansion gone that hasn’t been complained about at the end of it’s cycle and the beginning of the next.

Lot of hate for Burning Crusade towards it’s end, same with Wrath despite both of them now being regarded by quite a lot of people as the golden age of WoW. Rightly or wrongly so.

Pandaria as well is an interesting case because I remember all of the vitriol that expansion got at the time and especially towards the end when SoO was dragging on for months and months. Now it’s an expansion that is regarded as being peak class design among other things.

Only exception I think is probably Cata? Don’t see many Cata apologists about, even WoD has it’s apologists.


I really miss [current expansion -1]. That was a lot better.


TBC is the worst era of WoW ever.

You cannot change my mind.

Cata was perfectly fine, I liked it, it was not great but not terrible.

Suddenly cataclysm looks like a really good expansion.

TBC is my best personal era just because that’s when I was most heavily invested in the game, doing high end raiding and towards the end finally moving to an actual RP server (Moon Guard lol) to engage in that goodness.

Doesn’t make it a good expansion, just it’s when I was having the best time for seemingly unrelated reasons. Absolutely hate it as a setting though and remember how much I couldn’t wait for Wrath to bring us back to Azeroth after they announced it.

I quite liked Cata - obviously a few bits that didn’t land like Uldum, but the work they did on the vanilla zones as well as making expansion content is really impressive.

Honestly people take the lore way too seriously sometimes. I’m working my way back into looking at Jaina levitating a ship and firing arcane cannons and thinking, “Oh damn that was awesome”

Demon hunters.

Yes, I am sure you are very proud over your 5s cd on meta with infinite dodge, infinite mobility and infinite selfhealing. I am sure you are very proud you got into a crossrealm group to gank battle for nazjatar. But can you just like leave me alone, I am trying to kill a WQ rare.


Ugh on many levels. Even if you’re beating them, they suddenly run off with their irritating dash and jumps.


My favourite is when I finally get my fingers around their damn neck and they’re about to go down despite their stun and imprison and selfhealing and dodge and even more dodge and kite

And then they just yeet themselves to the moon and bomb you, making you either sit and watch your HP bar melt, or try to outrun it (which seemingly can’t be done, heroic leap isn’t enough to get out of range).


HOWEVER… I am still grateful to get Crash, Spyro and now Medievil Remastered. Seeing Sir Dan in glorious 2019-o-vision gives me something to look forward to on the gaming front. There’s even mutterings of Jak and Daxter making a comeback, and those were hands down some of the best games of the PS2 era.

Trashcan dashing about. It’s same as warlocks. Slightly easier to beat, but the amount of fears and what not. Just die and go put summoning stone and healthstones up, you damn potatoes.

Classics will be classics, of that I know it will never change, I’d probably play a 5th Spyro remake on the new platform I’m currently on 40-50 years later. There’s a reason why they’re timeless after all.

In the end I’m not asking for a reform or change (Except changing my childhood games, I was pissed to hear that Crash had Micro-transaction), let the big companies stagnate and maintain their monopoly… Indie games and crowdfunded movies, while a lot of them tend to be misses there are still big gems that shine amount that pile and they really stand up compared to any movie or game remake.

PS : Another reason why I’m not personally worried too much is that… As much as they’re comfy exploiting nostalgia, eventually the generations (I don’t mean to be grim here but logic) will die out if they’re doing a hack job at it… Banking on nostalgia only works if said love of the classic is passed down from one generation to another.

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Mass Effect trilogy remaster or riot