Pet Peeve: The Undying

I also played KOTOR 2 before 1 so therefore it wasn’t a surprise.


Woah. Based opinion.

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don’t insult kreia like that

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Revan’s only major failing was that he canonically fell in love with Bastila, which no person of any great merit would ever do.

One of my favourite things about Kotor 2 is that your party does not get along at all with each other.

At best they’re indifferent towards one another, and at worst they’re actively trying to kill each other (depending on your influence and alignment).

Worst part about Kotor 2 is rolling female exile which is canonical and best option, but as a result having to be stuck with the disciple :nauseated_face:



What a beautiful butterfly he is.

I don’t think that Kreia was this deep, transcendental philosophical giant. She’s actively encouraging your worst impulses, sowing manipulative threads to have you use your allies. She’s Sith through and through all the way pretending to be grey in a black and white binary and Atton gets all my thumbs up for pointing out the obvious after her “betrayal”.

But canonically the exile had a mix of the male and female exclusive characters on her crew.

Go back to your training. I’ll call you if I need someone useless.

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just wanna fistfight handmaiden in the cargo hold as a female exile is that so wrong

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There’s a mod for that

god i wish there was a way to let the handmaiden win and step on me :weary:

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yo looking for a nude mod for kotor 2 for a friend

any1 can help?

there’s uh

mods for everything

I believe the only reason they made the Exile female is because Revan was male. Not sure if I can agree with “best option” though. KOTOR 2 really seems to have been made with a male Exile as the canonical choice until they retconned it in TOR. It especially shows with the Restored Content Mod.

I just wish we got KOTOR 3 instead of TOR. It ruined everything the KOTOR games set up, especially Revan’s character. A KOTOR 3 set in the Unknown Regions, perhaps teaming up with Revan and the Exile to combat the true “Sith Empire” teased in KOTOR 2 would have been perfect.

She was established as female before TOR, though not in the games. The KotOR novels were after TOR’s release but before their Revan content, so that’s a bit up in the air, since it could’ve been in the works/planning stages at the time.

I do think they were more open to male exile when the game came out with special love-love dialogue for Atris and the like.

Rather Meetra Surik was established in anticipation for TOR but not before then.

It’s everything from male interactions with Bao-Dur and Atton to the dynamic with Visas, the Handmaiden and Atris. It’s way more fleshed out than with a female Exile.

Atris’ fall to the Dark Side makes a lot more sense as a male exile, you get cutesy interactions with Visas as a male exile, you get to have sweaty combat sessions with the Handmaiden as a male exile. I fully believe the game itself was tailored with a male Exile as the canon choice.

Besides the Disciple is really bland.

This word is my pet peeve.

Trying to find a decent name for a darkspear troll.

Got Nalokan and Najaken, just need to know if I’m in the right ballpark for names.

is that anduin’s new look

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