Pet Peeve: The Undying

Meanwhile on the ClassicWoW subreddit…

Picture of an elf hunter petting their wolf: “Neat”

Picture of a tauren hunter petting their wolf: “LITERALLY FURRY PóRN OMG THIS IS DISGUSTING”

I do not get this at all. I can only assume these guys feel funny when watching Disney’s Robin Hood, and project their self-hatred on anything vaguely endearing that features a beastrace.


What are you trying to level?

Unironically had the same thing happen over a year ago during the the Redridge campaign. As my Forsaken priest was naturally a healer he went around offering to patch up any injured comrades through a mix of magic and mundane ways.

Cue to the insufferable Blood Elves present who promptly dumped half a dozen “mortally wounded” (as they seem to have some weird obsession with becoming in these things) characters in what I had set up as an infirmary. So I go around offering to each of the wounded elves if they’d like patching up.

Annnnd blanked. Each one. We had literally people bleeding out on the floor while I was standing there, spell and scalpel in hand ready to save them. “Reee u will not touch them filthy forsaken.”

“well okay enjoy your afterlife i guess.”

I wasn’t sure whether or not it was just bad roleplayers, a bad guild, ooc prejudice against Forsaken characters or the guild tag I had under my name at the time. Either way it was hilarious to watch 5 or 6 elves writhe in pain and watch a stupidly melodramatic scene of one on a deathbed when I was literally standing there bemusedly waiting for them to realise what was going on.

I really don’t understand this weird tendency for Blood Elves to get either
1.) Captured then insist on some sort of prison torture rp or

2.) get themselves so beaten up but refuse to be healed.

It’s become a bit meme worthy at this stage.


After all these years I still level the same way I always have. Pulling and killing one mob at a time.

Just never been able to transition to the more efficient way of doing it.

We can now level via this new feature so I can help you if you want. I’m bored anyway.

Honestly, bubble RP is my peeve, along with RP where the participants only agree to certain predetermined outcomes.

My character wouldn’t have become who she is now without unexpected interactions with random strangers.

Blood Elves are a Peeve at this point.

If I was you in that situation as a Forsaken, I would have just waddled around placing Blight cannisters about to release deadly gas that would have raised them as mindless ghouls.

Then you’re sure they’ll react to you.


This, as it happens. But I’m not at home much currently so not going so well. Almost 115.

hey screw you too pal

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That’s all blood elves think about, isn’t it

if you’re up for it later, i can probably tank some on my 102 warrior (since its timewalking)

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elenthas is a canon virgin tyvm

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or he just doesn’t remember his sinful pre-death habits… … . . . . .

He’s not your pal, friend.

I’m not sure when I’m home. All I know is that my heart says maybe.

Fair enough! poke me on here if you want to do some later.

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Onto an irritation (not just a peeve); I could kill just to play Robopit again.

Why are you painting an entire playable race with such a broad brush when you could simply narrow it down to those responsible?

Because the entire playable race is responsible :sunglasses:


My train home is now a train and… a bus :face_vomiting: