Pet Peeve: The Undying

Because I have yet to come across those who have done differently. I cannot comment on what I have not seen.

Schrödinger’s Blood Elf might or might not exist out there, I have yet to observe it. Mind the bubble mentality is not exclusive to Blood Elves, they’re just the most visible.

I’ve had similar situations with Night Elves and their absurdist headcanon over “laws” in Night Elf lands, that are completely fabricated from non-canon (i.e imagination).

Examples, Moonwell water being forbidden for non-night elves to use, even non-night elf priests at that. That certain types of animal were not allowed to be tamed by hunters, that all Night Elves are vegetarian and hate eating meat.
The issue comes when large and fairly domineering guilds all start subscribing to these headcanons with dogmatic rigidity and actively try forcing guilds and individuals who don’t fit their weird world view out of roleplay, more often or not on an entirely out of character level as well.

So yes, while Teyha might have been japing a little

We have a responsibility to keeping our garden tidy.


Oh no! hope you have an okay journey despite that.

It adds an additional forty five minutes to the trip. Sucks bum.

I’m sat in the middle of an Irish family… Help.

I gotta DM a DnD oneshot with a terrible headcold.


Old model… Ew.

I thought that was just me and my iron age computer being unable to cope with higher performance demands as the game is patched. Peeved.

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It’s not just quest give in for me.
Sometimes when changing camera angle, zone or other. Deeply annoying.


(over 300 replies)

Nope, this is currently happening to everyone. And it doesn’t even have to be you doing anything. I experienced it while walking and roleplaying.

On a side note:

Imagine testing your patches.


You know what? I’m just gonna say it.

Beta for Azeroth.


Oh good, because sometimes they change story elements during beta.

I’d like my non stuttering game back please. I had just upgraded my graphics card, and things were going so smooth.

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I suspect it has to do with the new quest sync feature. Though we are waiting for a fix since 3+ days.

There’s a solution to just turn the hotfix.txt and the tooltip.txt into read only. That fixed it for me. But you can only start the game through the wow.exe in your folder. If you start it through the btag launcher it will reset.

Weird, other than the zeppelins (which I find rlly funny if anything, obviously they went on strike after rebel scum got allowed in the city), I have experienced precisely 0 issues.

Hope that for those that do have issues though, this stuff is fixed soon.

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Here’s my peeve

This happened at both (still wacky that that’s a thing) incarnations of the siege events. 0 attempt to be true to the cinematic and at least have both sides in awed silence (or hell keep things in /say), instead it was just all sorts of insults and multi-paragraph yells.

makes me sad bros :cry:


Spamming misogynistic language is fine because it’s at a woman I don’t like : )

Why are people like this


That’s really… strange…

If I don’t like someone, I don’t talk to them, and if they call me stuff, I simply ignore 'em or tell 'em ‘‘Fudge off’’.

Imagine throwing insults based around someones gender, smh.

It’s telling that when blizzard experimented with more serious swear words in Cata they did it twice and both were calling Sylvanas (at the time one the only female racial leaders) a b***h.

It was in the same zone even


I mean… she is one.

misogynistic language is fine because it’s at a woman I don’t like : )

-bellir, literally five minutes ago


I’d use that word to anyone, no matter their gender.

Are you the ‘‘Offended Police’’?

People spamming swear words in RP suffer from a chronic lack of creativity and smooth brains.

Be creative with your language, folks. Calling someone a fork-tongued snake is infinitely more immersive than dropping 10 F bombs and C words.