Pet Peeve: The Undying

I’m very aware of your disregard for oppression boush we don’t need to go over your views of segregation again


Is this post a joke or something?

And saying “I know what kind of person you are IRL + you’re a child” , based on your own assumptions due to a post in an online forum is pretty nice behavior I take it? ROFL

Yes, real people do read what you wrote. If you aim it at their character however and not /w them to insult, then I honestly can’t agree. If your characters motivation is motivated by OOC stuff then ok, I agree, that’s pretty bad.

But your motivation to not say something to a character is based upon “the other person could take it OOC”, which is not good at all.

Ok, it exists on AD that alot of people do take things OOC instead of IC. Though that is their problem and should not affect you in your own stuff at all.

Situation is different when it’s OOC’ly motivated and X person hates Y person and therefore X persons character hates Y persons character too. That’s just unacceptable.

Oh man… You guys are still at it. Feels like 2017 forums all over again.

I love it.

Tehya, beware for your thread might get locked for 24H tomorrow.

And then he thought of Blackmoore’s handsome, contemptuous face; of all the men who had spat upon him and called him “monster” and “greenskin” and worse.

But those memories did not condone cold-blooded murder. Thrall made his decision. He dropped the bloody ax to the floor.


Hey guys what’s going on

Long time no see dude. Left your hideout?

I have no idea how do sexes have anything to do with racial segregation but in case you are wondering I haven’t changed my stance on that either.

Ask and you shall receive

I’m still here, lurking in the shadows. Busier these days, new job new house, but always around…

That’s good news. A man’s gotta stay busy… Better things to do than argue on the internet amirite?

don’t be ridiculous

You have my post right there, and yet you still somehow badly misquoted me. That’s impressive. I said nothing about civility - ‘not saying slurs’ is a pretty low bar to clear.

But your motivation to not say something to a character is based upon “the other person could take it OOC”, which is not good at all.

No - I said the language used would make them feel uncomfortable IRL, and since I am not deliberately cruel I will not knowingly do something that makes another person uncomfortable without a good reason.

I am unsure why this is controversial.

It’s certainly true that actors and actresses get abuse for the characters that they portray, especially if that character happens to be an antagonist or a villain. Yet that isn’t something limited to either gender - nor is it really reflective of society as a whole because most people are fully aware that an actor/actress are separate entities to the characters that they portray.

Those who aren’t aware of such a thing tend to be in the minority and suffer from delusions. Yet it isn’t a phenomenon limited to female characters or actresses.

Insofar as fictional characters are concerned, I’ve seen plenty of people direct abuse at Gallywix and Garrosh to name but two. When it comes to fictional characters played by actors, I recall seeing a lot of bile aimed at the actors who portrayed Joffrey, Tywin and Walder Frey in Game of Thrones.

To me, it seems that it would be much more productive to just direct the conversation in a direction of ‘all slurs are bad’ instead of framing it as ‘gendered slurs are bad’. Otherwise it comes across as being led by bias, even if that may be unintended.

The occasional, unnecessarily aggressive online discussion is good for the soul. I haven’t managed to scroll up far enough to work out the intricacies of this one though.

Please leave the goalposts where they are - you can just agree with my point and move on. I made a parenthetical remark that it is usually women that are targeted in this way - not that this is a specifically one-gender issue.

I only argue for the sake of entertaining chaos. Anger is bad for my heart, soul and mind.

Vahas here should be a Chaos god of sort.

Enters the fray

Except men are more targeted with slurs and online abuse and we take it just fine.

My work is done here

True say. I don’t get emotionally invested like I used to.

True agents of chaos are a thing of a past; how I miss the likes of Exaviel and Hrothgarr.

The last, great provocateur might be the Lord in Green.

(Women undoubtedly receive the greater share of online abuse and vitriol though.)

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“This is not a one-gender issue”

“Ah but have you considered that other genders also have this issue”

…yes. That’s why I said “this is not a one-gender issue”.

My apologies then.

What’s there to agree on? Yeah, people get bile for doing completely harmless, even saintly things, let alone neutral stuff. If you don’t want to be thrown flak at in this (or in the past ages), simply don’t do anything.

Is it nasty whenever people spout unwarranted bile? Absolutely. It’s wrong. But it’s honestly way better to let the people who say stuff like that gurgle and blabber as much as their heart desires- Nobody plays people better than themselves.

In a free society, people can just look at what the people writes and decide to distance themselves from them based on that. It’s the best tool, even.