Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

Say it ain’t so. Amazon have mine delayed indefinitely, thinking I might need to order digital. I only ever speak truth*. I put my preorder with Argos. Not sure if I’m feeling confident enough in it to keep physical tbh.

*exceptions may apply.

got damn

Annoyingly this is one game that I really want to have a physical copy of, and I can’t afford to buy both digital and physical.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills, but I’m not sure mine is strong enough.

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My argos preorder comes with some 7th Heaven coasters. Originally I didn’t care about that but now I’m kinda attached to the idea in my head…and just checked the website and they’re no longer listing it as for sale, so I’m gonna have to contact their CS to find out if it’s getting cancelled or not.

Ty for making me think of this at least.

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I only knew because Amazon emailed me a few weeks back saying the delivery date was changed to unknown.

1760 :pensive: :pray:


Being a dad is hard work. Just put together a toy kitchen for my daughter and it was way more complicated and difficult than I had anticipated.


I imagine hanging all the cupboard doors and leveling them off took a while.

She didn’t get any cupboards, I’m not a mad man.

Tell you what though, plumbing that sink into the mains and hooking the gas up to her oven was a nightmare :unamused:


I hope you’re CORGI registered Akamito, I have no tolerance for cowboy tradesmen…

Yeah I’ve got my papers. Pop over to mine and I’ll show you.

Oh wait you can’t, too bad. Guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Can’t believe Akamito’s house is gunna go up in a gas explosion but conveniently everyone is safe and was on their single(1) government mandated walk of the day.

Sounds like insurance fraud to me. :nose:

Hello? HMRC? Yeah… I found him… :phone:

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No physical copies of borderlands 3 to order anywhere. Bummer.

Orcs cannot have moustaches.

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Nightborne in general. Such a waste. And the asymmetrical eyebrow makes my perfectionism flare up something fierce.


Argus suddenly full with casuals trying to get Army of the Light rep to unlock LFD.

Me? I have been fighting the Legion for millenia.

No, I mean it. That’s actually how long it takes to get all three paragon mounts.


I don’t know why, always thought Grom Hellscream has moustache and beard in Warcraft 3.

Until when I seen he has neither. I felt sad.

I’d honestly prefer playing a character that exclusively uses that model (unchangeable armor/appearance, lacking facial expressions etc. included) over the actual playable Nightborne we have. By far.

Both because the Legion models are that good and because the playable ones are that bad.