Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

Oh what could’ve been…

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Tanks who heal themselves.

Allow me to explain. I’m not saying this is inherently bad - I think it’s just an insecurity of mine when it comes to playing a healer.
For example: Right now I’m leveling a druid and just ran a group with a paladin as a tank. I enjoy playing this druid with feral affinity, so when my group isn’t in need of immediate healing, I pop into cat form and let 'em rip, popping out of it to land my HoTs whenever necessary.
But this particular tank was hellbent on spamming on Flash of Light on themselves whenever they dropped anywhere below 70% health. They were never in real danger of dying (and mind you, this was a classic dungeon.)

All in all, this is fine. I suppose it makes my job as a healer much easier? But I still get this nagging feeling in my head, that I’m doing a poor job as a healer, because the tank has to fill in with their own self-sustain abilities.
Of course, all tanks have some type of self-sustain: paladin’s with Light of the Protector, Druids with Frenzied Regeneration, Warriors with occasional Victory Rush and, hecc, Blood DKs are all about self-sustain.
But a druid popping out of bear to put their HotS up, paladin spamming Flash of Light… It feels unnecessary. I’m right here! I won’t let you die, I promise!

I return once more from forum vacation.

Once more I regret nothing and will not change my behaviour




Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

I’m corgi registered, here:

(sadly, not my pupper - she belongs to a friend of mine)

I finished all the Alliance storylines in Draenor but I still have no idea who this spooky undead axe midget from the loading screen is. Does he only show up in Horde quests?


It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


This isn’t a peeve but in honour of the nier replicant remaster* news here’s a video of Kaine (voiced by Laura Bailey) swearing for two minutes, nsfw language obvs

*okay the actual peeve is that it’s not Gestalt. Hopefully that’s an option.


this awakened something in me

I just want the conversation of:

“Aren’t you glad to be going back home, Jaina?”

“That place is a :poop:hole.”


Playing and really enjoying Elite: Dangerous. Unexpected.

I somehow keep doing the stap back animation and not moving in Bloodborne.

Luckily it only happens when I’m talking to The Doll. Just hope it doesn’t do that when I’m in the middle of a fight.

Wow, I learned from the comment section of that Kaine swearing video that the mystery voice actor for Naoto Shirogane in Persona 4 is in fact Anna Graves.

Might be the first time YouTube comments contain some useful information.

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Square Enix are sending out FF7 Remake earlier so that hopefully everyone gets it on time. Also means some people might get it early.

That’s a good start to the day

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Not sure how to feel about this.

That’s a big oof.

Amazon still haven’t confirmed when mine is being shipped, but hoping that changes shortly.

What about the infamous move where you lay down your controller, accidentally triggering the R2 button (which becomes 1000x more sensitive the moment you start up Bloodborne) and smashing down your bigass hunter weapon in front of you

because i may have killed an old man in a wheelchair doing that

(of course, it was all just a scary dream)

That’s okay he deserved it. Probably. From a certain point of view.

Gonna call them once I finish this quest in FF14, 'cos I’ve not had an actual cancellation email yet.

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Yep, done that. Or shot somebody i wasn’t supposed to.

A streamer I watch has had her cat shoot people too.

uh… what