Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

yeah, she had the controller in her hands and he rubbed up against it and pulled the trigger.

So she shot the old woman by accident.


I thought you meant that as in a streamer was using a CAT as an IN-GAME WEAPON to SHOOT people. Like a cat who fires lasers from its mouth when you pull its tail. I was like, wait, that’s not Bloodborne. Or any game, afaik.

But yea ok, now I get it lol


No, she has a cat (okay, he’s more a kitten).

he’s a bit of a nightmare, he’s turned off her PS4, he’s unplugged computer screens, destroyed her display behind her multiple times.

He’s cute though.

EDIT: And shot the old woman and the beggar.

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Okay I sat on hold for 15 minutes and then the line dropped. Not really fussed about the wait time 'cos I get that shizz is crazy right now (and I used the time to put make food), bit miffed the call dropped though.

Peeve: inability to get previous months’ ranked card backs in Hearthstone. The February 2020 one, with the blue flowers on soft orange, would have been perfect for my sense of aesthetics, but then I wouldn’t have got my free deck reward for not playing the game!

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Elenthas explained the powerful lore behind this to me and I’m starting to think that perhaps I might have to try the series.

Will the remaster have 30k polygons?

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Time to farm blood echoes for blood vials and bolt paper.

I got a Daughter of the Cosmos to kill today (nearly did it a couple of tries ago)

EDIT: NVM, Clawmark Rune and a rearranging of blood gems works wonders.

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Amazon have updated the order and it is now estimated to arrive on the 11th. Only a day late so I can deal with that I think.

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I wish you good fortune in the delivery to come.

If I’m lucky, between now and the end of next week it will change to the 10th but who knows.

Did you ever get through to Argos in the end? It might be that it will come into stock now Square Enix are sending them out to distributors early.

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Tried tweeting at them earlier today to clarify, no response. Gonna try calling again tomorrow. Worst comes to worst I’ll just get it digital. Would suck, but I’ve got a few days off from the 10th and I don’t wanna miss out.

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More than a peeve: Britney Spears. Specifically the situation she is in. It’s a lot worse than you probably think and it’s concerning how quiet everyone was about it (well, before the current chaos broke out, at least).

Britney Spears has all the legal rights of a 3-year old. She’s the target of a conservatorship - that is, her father has the legal right to make all of her decisions. Her decisions as an artist WRT signing contracts, her financial agency, everything. She doesn’t even get to vote.

When Britney ‘broke down’ a few years ago (read: shaved her head in an attempt to prevent K-Fed from using a positive drug test against her during divorce proceedings), her estranged father stepped in and was awarded conservator status.

She goes on tour when her father says she goes on tour.

She releases an album when her father says she releases an album.

She does a stint of her own Vegas show because her father decided she should do a stint having her own Vegas show.

All that money these things make? They go straight to her father. She doesn’t see a penny of it.

It’s basically slavery.

So yeah. It’s no wonder she sympathises greatly with those suffering in the current situation. The world is somehow surprised that she has posted in favour of strikes and wealth redistribution.


I wasn’t even aware she was still active
I thought for sure she had stopped a long time ago
let alone had a breakdown and was put into legal slavery by law.

I guess I am not one to keep up with the crazy world of celebs.

Normally I care little for celebrities but it’s common to dismiss all their problems because they are so rich - which in many cases is justified but Britney is an unique example of how someone incredibly famous can share the issues of those dozens of rungs below her on the ladder.

And then you have the greater overarching issue of how producers, brand managers and others who do not actually generate any value compared to the artists themselves end up disproportionately enriching themselves from it. (Sports, anyone?)


That name’s so old. I wondered what became of her, but never found anything substantial. I always figured she didn’t grow up in a ideal family but damn, this level of abuse beats my wildest expectations.

Man, it’d suck if most of society was also organised in this manner


Yeah, imagine if our personal information was really valuable to certain groups and they generated a lot of revenue through collecting and storing it without us ever seeing a penny for it ourselves. :thinking:


Imagine if an entire class of society existed purely on the concept of making itself unfathomably rich from the surplus value extracted from the labour of others.

Humanity would surely be too sensible to permit such a thing.


Peeve: Villain guilds rampaging in the open, ten times beyond what it would take for the local realm’s authorities to firmly put them down.

Like, I have done my share of terrible villain RP in the past, but at least we stuck to caves, isolated ruins and the like. Just because players cannot always be present to represent all lore organisations on demand doesn’t mean that lands would be left totally unguarded against raiding forces - especially in this time of relative peace!

Or, maybe, the idea of labor value is highly inflated and when studied, and it’s a term that can be hardly described in a clear-cut way (Marx himself doesn’t say how we should assess labor value).

Perhaps certain groups at the top create additional value other than steal it from others.