Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

Birds tweeting as they nest in the roof of my house woke me up at 5am. Tried napping twice between playing Legend of Mir. Got two hours sleep.

I’m all dazed from playing so much mir and lacking sleep.

Send help.

…i just got kicked from a group because i didnt die after the tank overpulled due to having vanish

that’s a new level of pettiness lol


Happened when I feigned in Pit of Saron during Timewalking.

oof… people sure can be nasty for the stupidest reasons

bzzt wrongo

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num num num tasty boot


I had to wrestle with the site to dust off my subscription to the game. Luckily it stopped crashing on the fifth attempt.

i didn’t get kicked for it, but the salty healer tried to kill me before he left.

this ear worm is stuck in my head and it won’t go away aaaaaaaa

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A book I ordered has arrived, can’t pick it up because the post office is closed until Thursday.

At least it’s only until Thursday, I guess.

I’m constantly tired and bored ever since I’ve arrived to Poland. No PC and I’ve no idea for how long is this going to last. I hate you, corona.


Are Pandaren ever referred to as “Panda’s” in quest-text or in-game dialog? Because it’s honestly such a punch in the gut to see it used in roleplay. Are people just being disrespectful, or is there a portion of roleplayers that believe that’s the appropriate term?


Yes, one of the vermin in a cave in Four Winds that calls the pandaren down there a “panda lady”

Tbf, even if it wasn’t mentioned in lore or quests; you could always use it as a shortversion of the Pandaren name, anyways.

Just like most people go with Elf instead of Void/Blood/Night/High Elf.

I usually don’t see it as them drawing a parallel between the non-existent Panda’s in WoW, anyways. (Except for that one pet, Panda’s don’t exist in WoW, do they?)

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I can only think of the little one that roams around the Huojin camp in Orgrimmar.
You make a good point though, I suppose it’s only natural to shorten words/names, etc - It’s just one that’s always tickled me a bit, as if the other person is too lazy to acknowledge the race properly.


There seems to be an abundance of red pandas judging by the pet journal, but not any other type.

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In addition: There’s a Hozen that calls Li Li “panda girl”

A sprite calls one “girl panda”

Ken-Ken calls one “lady-panda” and again says he can help “pandas”,_Yi-Mo

So, only females are pandas!

The males are “Oh lawd he comin’” or “chonk”.


Yes, males are pandos. And a group of them are pandini.