Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

Never talk to me again.

Don’t be mean :frowning:

Don’t say such awful things!

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Take out “awful” and I read that in Trilliax’s voice.

You dare leave crumbs on my floor?! Die!!!


I’m sorry brother, I can’t resist, I need to do it:


You’re going to have to explain yourself.

Then there is only one clown here, dearest Kump. One and it is not I.

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Ah, my trap worked. Welcome to the gang, fellow Clown.


Peeve: It seems that Boots, Bracers and rings are my best friends these days, keeping coming for me.


It’s always bracers or shoulders for me.
I needed a head on three characters, they all got shoulders from every cache I’ve done recently.

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So no head?

No. I don’t go to Goldshire.

Not even to make heads roll?

I’m desperately in need of weapons for two of my Hordes, and shoulders on my Paladin…

Pfft, look at my MH. My gear isn’t good on this, but it’s just terrible.

Isn’t that the same thing? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue:

because alone your personal information is generally worth nothing

Data only has value in large quantities.

I dunno, I think the thief will find a lot of value in my personal credit card information

Admittedly I assumed Solbranthius means corporations by “certain groups”. Not individuals who are actively breaking the laws.

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