Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

No. Please learn the subtle difference between bad and terrible or get out.

I am fully aware but I saw a chance and I damn well went for it.

/e would shove you in a locker.

Worth it :clown_face:

Watched the Simpsons episode with Camp Krusty for the first time in forever. I still love that one.

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How is that a peeve again?

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what are you, a cop



This is more a general thread, so cram it.

thats fair
although wasn’t that someones peeve a while back?
people using this thread as a general thread instead of just making a general thread?

and speaking of general, blizz why haven’t you made a global chat yet? people are using LFG and trade as global chats because blizzard refuse to make general more than zone-locked.

Time for a return of the General Chat Thread. Does anyone remember what number we were on?

Better to just use this than make an other thread. We as a community are bound to talk about random crud periodically anyway, it’s how we function.

I want mechagnomes all of a sudden. The females have one of my favourite belf/draenei hair styles.

I still haven’t bothered with the grind to unlock them, not sure I ever will.

Went all in to get up in Amelia and the Cleric Beast’s grill (their supposed human forms that is), killed them, couldn’t unlock the lift.

I’d forgotten to get the badge from Laurence because I run through the DLC area the minute it is unlocked to collect goodies.

It just reads like it’s kind of the same thing.
If you put “My gear isn’t just bad, it’s terrible” then I would see the differences.

No. It reads like “though my gear isn’t good, my weapon is worse than the rest”.

Oh ok…? :woman_shrugging:

Read the whole thing again.
I refer to my main hand, which is what the “it’s” is.