Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

my mouse is on its last legs, new one won’t be here until the end of the month.

It is pretty cheeky of them.

…but the fact that Kul Tiran males hold their 2H weapons in just one hand while fighting? Now that is pretty sweet.

Would be great if AR’s got some love with customization

Briefly forgot what AR stood for and was confused what an american was doing on our forums asking about assault rifle customisation



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Wish the [At War] function wasn’t so underutilized

It’s cool coming back to the game months after the patch to find out that blizz are still insistent on having quests with abysmal spawn rates and haven’t bothered fixing them (Ramkahen Rescue).


Cleared my browsing data and cookies for the past seven days and


Addon to a previous peeve: Edgelords.

There’s room for a fair deal of edge in the setting, sure, but when it gets silly it still gets silly.

Got Augur of Ebrietus on my skill/arcane character, haven’t got any bagmen to practice parrying on.


Being stuck in combat constantly, unable to mount up despite there being no enemy in sight nor living memory. At least mages, rogues and night elves can just poof out of the enemy pursuit but even that isn’t reliable.


The combat bug has been a thing since…as far as I can remember, it’s weird how they can’t fix that even after like 12+ years.

Welp. I’ve been having this purchasing itch for a looooong time… Time to race change three characters.

Got a text from Argos yesterday saying FF7R was dispatched royal mail 1st class, but also that it would be delivered by the release date.

Didn’t turn up today but maybe tomorrow who knows.

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You can now mount whilst stealthed at least. Not so lucky with feign death

Oh yeah, hunters too.

Also a peeve with the release of new expansions tuning things horribly to compensate old gear and lack of escape mechanics making every encounter with the scrawniest chipmunk a dramatic fight to the death that probably sees you pulling two more of the things by the time you’re both at 40% health…

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This is why I spec camo, can mount while camouflaged.


When you do some raiding, get some new gear that’s all an upgrade for item levels but when you sit down to sim them it turns all of them are will end up giving less DPS ;_;

I always spec camo because I like to avoid as much as possible.
Run through things, feign, camo and keep moving.

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me too.

I love that spell.

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