Pet Peeve: Wrath

I wish I could have more than 10 characters on bloodborne.

Role-played in TES: O for a year, never remembered the days nor months.


RPed for 5 years and I still have to look up the months every time


Yeah, that’s a good point. I actually quite like the TES month names though I agree they’re a bit confusing. It does kind of make the world feel a bit more ‘real’ though.

I don’t think there’s a ‘right’ answer. You’re always sacrificing something whether you make changes or keep ‘normal’ names for it, so preference one way or the other makes sense. I don’t blame blizz for taking the ‘easy’ route though (with this at least).


That’s generally why people will avoid real-world markers like ‘eight pm’ or ‘tuesday’ but still use a 7-day week, 24 hour day etc.

Azeroth is not Earth obviously, but it is played exclusively (that we know of) by humans from Earth. Things need to make sense to us unless there’s a good reason we should be taken off balance.

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That sounds reasonable to me. In practice, I don’t recall ever having to refer to the calendar IC. Giving dates like “in two weeks from now” is usually sufficient. Time of day seems to be uncontroversial, though; people regularly say “at eight bells” and the like.

For what it’s worth, Tolkien also used the regular names for months and days of the week. He did invent in-universe names for months and days of week in his Elvish languages (for example, in Sindarin, the months are named narwain, nínui, gwaeron, gwirith, etc.), but used the English names in story, with the assumption that they were translated from Westron (“Common”) into English just like everything else.

Obligatory TV Tropes link:

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Eighth bell / drum simple as because they announce each hour with the clocktower in Stormwind / drums in Orgrimmar

this but unironically

imagine paying for a watch instead of just listening to bells toll for thee lmao


virgin watch user vs chad drum listener


I love this so much


Been really enjoying my time with FF7 Remake, despite some niggles that I hope are worked out in future parts.

At least I was, until I got into the Honeybee Inn. What gives, Square Enix? You deliver on almost everything but you neglect to bring the big buff daddies into your HD treatment? I better see them show up in Costa Del Sol or there’s going to be some real trouble.

A cut of the prequels like this would be an amazing watch.

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If you weren’t satisfied with the dance sequence then I can’t talk to you anymore.

The dance sequence was surprisingly really fun. But it is no subsitute to 8 buff daddies in a tub with Cloud.

If you want to feel like you’re being pummeled into the ground by huge muscular arms, just wait until you try to do Hell House on hardmode.

On my…12th attempt now I think. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I didn’t enjoy it on normal. Took me about 30 mins, think I was doing it wrong. Burnt so many ethers in that fight that I had almost none left.

Window colours indicate you’re meant to use opposite magic which bumps it’s stagger bar real high up and also knocks it out of its attacks, but it relies on you having the full elemental coverage on C+A and enough ATB/MP to use 'em.

Yeah I picked up the using different elements from assess but had no idea how to tell what it was vulnerable to at any given moment.

Had fire and ice covered but no lightning. I didn’t stagger him once the whole fight and only put him under pressure twice. It was a long and painful slog.

Yeah that’s about how my first go went.

One thing I really liked though was the announcers had dynamic yells for different summons (and I’ve checked - including ones you couldn’t unlock until after the first time you fight it).

Ifrit was wasted in that fight for me. Should have dropped my boy fat choco