it astounds me that millions of people are so indoctrinated that they believe any CEO works hard enough to earn 1000x as much as a bartender.
On a related note, for my fellow Brits, it seems pretty clear that companies here are going to use furloughing employees as a test to see how much fat they can trim from the workforce.
Strip departments down to the bone. If they’re able to function, axe whoever’s on furlough the moment it ends. Doesn’t matter how stressed and overworked the remaining workers are; as long as the cogs keep on turning and that bottom line keeps on looking comfy, all’s well.
WoW is an excellent stepping stone towards radicalization.
Blizzard’s current business practices show the utter immorality and dysfunctionality of capitalism.
I kinda enjoy that Pet Peeves has routinely become a breeding ground for the socialist agenda, too.
I mean it’s natural, the far right has also been on the rise in many places of the world of late. Combine that with covid and people getting increasingly tired with the rampant corruption and moral decadence of the capitalist class and it’s only natural that more people dare raise their voices in dissent of it all.
Literally how I lost my last job, although it was paid holiday since I apparently had to use up what time I had left (which was a lot). My last day consisted of me coming into the store at 6AM only to be told I was not needed anymore (with no prior call beforehand for the two weeks I was off).
Working in the financial sector I kinda hate it…
I’m sitting here hoping my job still exists when quarantine comes to an end.
Yep, same (in that I also work finance).
Living that retail life.
We had some of the worst customers I’ve experienced in a long time today.
A woman was politely told she had to queue to get in the post office after trying to sneak in through the exit.
She then said we were rude, that we called her a queue jumper and that that’s slander. She wanted a manager and demanded a written apology or call from those of us involved or said she’d call the police and write to the papers…
I was livid. She was the worst of four, but the others were all pretty nasty.
Was this lady called Karen by any chance?
lol bye then
Even as a customer, I’m starting to get a little bit irate. Had an annoying experience this evening – I went to the nearby shop to grab some essentials. Some guy was standing in the way of the freezers, just doing nothing much. I asked him if I could get to the freezers, no answer.
I wait about half a minute, no movement. I need to get my stuff, so I just shrug and grab what I’m after while keeping as clear of him as I can – at that moment, he decided to acknowledge me with a condescending remark about social distancing.
I begin to scream incoherently.
The bank I work for have enacted a fantastic new policy…
If you come into branch and are abusive, rude in anyway harass any of our colleagues you’ll be given a 14 day notice to remove the funds from your accounts as they will be closed and you’ll be blacklisted from doing business with us ever again.
Yeah, she was told that wasn’t going to happen.
At best, she’d get a manager calling to say sorry to her (she did get this, but it was “sorry if you were offended”)
Not only that but they lock it hours after the last post
Not very attentive me thinks
I wonder if they get a good pay for doing jackal.
Easy money it seems, you dont even need to be able to read to apply for mod.
Must be very high priority for a CM to lock the thread at 1am =O
Nothing but respect for our hard working essential workers, semper fi
glad to hear they’re working around the clock to scrounge up every bit of revenue they can with a total disregard for issues plagueing the community wholesome
Wholesome 100
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