I’m not allowed to feed Gamma until after we return from the vet tomorrow, incase she does need a tooth pulled and she is giving me the “Why are you not feeding me human” look.
Have to go to bed to get up for work/study.
What I want to do is work on my retconned Hunter some more (I went for it in the end!) Or beat people up in AC Odyssey, probably pirates. Bah! Needing sleep sucks!
Ah, that sucks.
Goin to know that feeling on Monday when i’m not allowed to feed Mini after 10 at night because he’s getting neutered on Tuesday.
Haven’t been allowed to feed her since 8PM and I am recieving sad mreows from her.
Thankfully neautering is a quick thing for your little boy.
Yep! he’s going in at 9 in the morning on Tuesday and I should be able to collect him in the afternoon.
Where he’ll go into the downstairs crate, out of the way of the other dogs (and where I can keep an eye on him).
In other news, been blessed, had a snuggle with the cat that he reciprocated
And finally; I haven’t done any of the summoner class quest since hitting 50 on my Au Ra (Scholar was up to date).
This is going to be fun tomorrow.
Waking early with a sore throat from snoring like a sawmill. Now I sound like krusty the clown.
I’m fine with character retcons. Lintian thankfully hasn’t needed any, except for two episodes when I was still leveling her and stopped in Thelsamar and Surwich to greet RPers there. Apart from that, everything that happened to her in RP actually happened, in my mind. I did end up slightly retconning her backstory when Classic launched. Before that, I held that she had never left Kalimdor until WoD, but in hindsight, it was too limiting and didn’t really make sense given her curiosity and interest in other cultures.
For my previous RP character, on the other hand, I quietly retconned away some elements that I found embarrassing in hindsight — in particular, her interest in the monk arts, which I had written in when I had started RPing her just before MoP launched. It helps that, as far as I know, everyone who had RP’d with her back then has either quit the game or switched characters.
I’m losing my mind
Queue keeps popping only during voiced cutscenes
Once you reach that point in time, it’s basically a free buffet as far as retcons or reboots are concerned. At least in my opinion. The only obstacle at that point is one’s own nostalgia and attachment to what used to be.
Happens to me too. I wish there was a way to quit out of a cutscene rather than skip it entirely, so I can come back and watch it later.
If you accept a queue during a cutscene, then when you finish the dungeon you’ll be put back to the point before the cutscene started.
Alternatively you can (re)watch cutscenes at any time by going to your cutscene desk in any inn. It uses your current gear/model for rewatches rather than whatever you looked like ‘at the time’ too, so if you want to get a nice screenshot in a cinematic with a new set, you can do so.
Hit enter and the HUD will appear during the cutscene where you can accept the queue. When you come back, the cutscene can be started from the beginning
Excellent. I’ve been avoiding doing quests while queuing so I don’t miss anything.
are you telling me i can go back and relive that epic moment at the end of heavensward where i face down nidhogg
In a variety of fanciful outfits no less.
aight gonna go tell my boss i need to finish early today. really important
“It was that day. Yes it was that day that Akamito posted last. We never saw him again. Legends says he became the boss and got too busy for the forums… Others claim he got time off instead to visit Italy again and stayed there… We shall never know the truth.”
"It was, in fact, not really important and Akamito did not finish early that day." - Worgen Freeman.
this is the painful truth.
i remain firmly locked within my wage cage
Gamma has returned home, high as a kite. Teeth looked fine for her age, blood test was showing as fine, but she might have some stomach irritation from gnawing on plastic bags.
Good to hear she’s okay!