Apart from stumbling about as the sedatives wears off she’s in good condition :>
Just a bit cranky but that is understandable.
Getting delicious kibble without passing out proves a challenge…
“Is she eating or asleep?” my mum seeing her like that.
Current status: asleep in the cat tower after a small amount of kibble
please tell her she is baby
Peeve: This expansion looks to have a very very slow patch cycle.
For comparison, there were 5 months between 8.0 and 8.1. It has been 5 months since SL release now, and due to an interview that just came out (which said that 9.1 still has a ton of work to be done, and will have a long beta cycle) people are expecting 9.1 in July/August at the earliest.
It’s not that I think 9.1 will change my opinion on the expansion’s content and get me playing it again, but I still want things to progress and move on.
I have had a long discussion with my gf on why she’s not a baby, but I will allow it this once, just because she frankly is a baby atm.
She has also been promised a smooch and pats.
Dunno whether the Mini is brave or stupid.
He gets up in my lap and then tries to pinch things off my desk right under my nose.
Ubisoft went and broke the game I have been religiously playing (The Division 2).
Well fiddlesticks.
Man, this almost makes me question how did we managed to withstand 14 months of 5.4.
It doesn’t help that everything you do in the Shadowlands once you ding feels like climbing mount Everest with all the grinding needed, the Anima and the Soul ashes.
I’m just not coming back until 9.2 or its .5 iteration. Shadowlands simply feels like detention. Just let me out from the Malaria induced Nightmare that is the Shadowlands expansion and hope I wake up back to Azeroth.
While 5.4 dragged on forever, it still had alot of thing to do. Unlike alot of the latest expansions, all of MoP’s content was still relevant to do instead of just the latest patch stuff. And Timeless isle was really just a storm in a bottle kind of deal where it just worked and they haven’t recaptured it since.
SoO was also a pretty good raid in my opinion.
For us in particular, it was also a very different age in terms of RP.
We had way more in terms of big, serverwide campaigns and initiatives, and activity in general. It gave us things to do.
Also soloing old content was really easy by 5.4, SoO gear smashed everything in Cataclysm.
Although despite all the above, we didn’t really withstand it. It was really felt.
I think this is also a reason behind why they pushed so heavily with WoD’s promotional material. It was one of Blizzard’s biggest marketing/promotional push for a game & expansion, they did loads of things to try and build up hype and excitement. Alot more than before or since. They had various promotional events, mainstream commercials, the Lords of War stuff, big newsstories and statues and wallarts and just everywhere possible they could put out the news and hype.
I quite agree. Some of the content was still relevant to do like Isle of Thunder, Isle of Giants… You could go through the narrative of Krasarang wilds if you missed it and you could do some farming in the Valley.
And never will. Closest they got was Mechagon.
WoD isn’t dissapointing for me simply because it had no content… It’s dissapointing because it was a whole lot of untapped potential. When you really look close at it and it’s new art direction and assets, it was set to be a very ambitious project, so much so I don’t believe for a second the team wanted to abandon it but had to for pragmatic/corporate reasons.
I wish they had saved Nazjatar and put more effort into Mechagon. The theme was absolutely fantastic but was let down by the scale of the content.
WoD suffered heavily because they were still in the mindset of “yearly expansions” that they were excited to try out with WoD and thought it would be fine.
It didnt.
It really felt like two completely different patches smashed into one.
wod > sl (easily even)
Luv me the Music of Nazjatar, disliked the zone entirely.
It was a hellish place to naviguate without flying. Why Azshara be removing the biggest advantage her people had over the factions being water and then snatched the Heart? Not even new assets to display the former empire of the Elves, they reused Azsuna’s.
I could keep ranting but yeah, the final point being : Why is Nazjatar a single patch zone when you could make an entire expansion out of it? Just why… Why are they burning through OG lore expansion ideas so fast?
But then, how could Kottic afford his next bonus if he keeps hiring more employees for his Cash Cow?
100%. WoD was not a good expansion, not at all, but I had fun for most of it.
I didn’t like HFC, but other than that its only weakness was lack of content.
The choice of setting was a bit… wild, but at least they kept it isolated in an AU instead of messing up the setting by fudging with the afterlife.
6.2 was longer, but somehow felt a lot shorter than 5.4.
Well, that and how they scrapped 90% of the content they had in Alpha, including some story lines, kept some stuff in until late beta (Kargath living HM was in until very late when it got changed) etc to work on Legion.
WoD had potential to be good outside its quality raids, however got scrapped in favour of developing the true modern day downfall of the game (imo) and turning it into a grindy gacha esque game.
Going to have to rename Mini to Kevin McCallister at this rate with the amount of times people forget about him.
He’s been locked out in the garden by himself twice today.