Having to fight Paladins in PVP.
That’s it, that’s the peeve
Having to fight Paladins in PVP.
That’s it, that’s the peeve
Prot just can’t die in PvP.
After stumbling about with more grace than before, Gamma has decided to dive into her basket, almost missing and hitting the desk and snooze.
I love my high-on-sedatives cat so much
hand of justice’s u
fun gameplay xdd
me, at gorgrond: look how they massacred my boy
WoW’s insistence on 6-10 second CC for PVP is one of its most baffling features.
The whole damn continental rail system they had which got scrapped
I could’ve stood for an entire zone questline’s worth of content set solely on the Grimrail
choo choo
Farahlon got binned, so did all the cool racial ships and crews for the docks.
Having played actual PvP games, yeah this baffles me too.
The easy comparison is to League of Legends - also based around 5v5 combat for the most part - which has both CC reduction and a straight-up removal of CC available to all characters, and the longest CC I can think of offhand is 2-3 seconds and normally tied to ultimate abilities. Everything else is a second or so.
Pretty much, yeah.
But even FF14 doesn’t have anything that lasts longer than 5 seconds and you can’t be re-CCed by the same type for 10 seconds afterwards.
EDIT: i think LoL had the best balance though (at one point)
IDK how to best fix it since a lot of the reason why LoL can tone down the CC is that there are only a few sources of healing and normally reserved for very vulnerable characters - if you CC a Soraka for 3 seconds she’s probably dead - so a lot would need to change.
Still, getting locked out for 15-30 seconds in a mode which is meant to reward outplaying your opponent is Certainly A Choice
The main thing with LoL is, if a champion is over-performing, they can just nerf the champion.
And in FF14, there’s no gear in PvP, so all white mages have the same stats etc. (also PvP is seperated from PvE)
Problem with that is, we had that in Legion and everybody complained because people are used to being able to outgear their opponent.
We basically need PvE and PvP in WoW seperated.
Also true - it’d be like spending 40 hours to unlock Soraka and having to put in similar time if they nerfed her and Sona became the best healer
This has been said for as long as I’ve been around but you know how the devs are
Probably too much like hard work.
Especially since its been the way it is for the whole of the game’s life.
I’m having tons of fun with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The peeve? Well… I guess the level scaling can get a bit wonky at times; chasing a level 11 Merc when I was level 14 into a level 32 area was quite tense.
Also, the dialogue options are both really good/engaging and, at the same time, terrifying; I don’t want to preclude options or ‘good’ endings, heh. I already made one choice early on that had ramifications for the starter area. Whether I get to go back there in quests or not, only time will tell me heh.
Which, ironically, made everything worse at first.
I still remember running around as Scholar in Rival wings and winning 2vs1 on the ground by binding Broil + Lustrate on the mouse wheel, then spinning vigorously. Even 3vs1 was possible if enemies didn’t coordinate their burst + CC and just used them whenever.
Fun times. But to be honest, the more I play (PvP) games with dedicated healers, the more I appreciate the ones without.
Imagine MoP’s balance and WoD’s gearing i.e the gear scaling.
Would be as close as we’d be able to get.