Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Minor p5r peeve is stamp collecting in mementos requires multiple path runs.

Weirdly, I think I’d just prefer if there were more levels to the later ones than having to repeat the levels for a full stamp collection, even though functionally there’s little difference other than how it feels in my head.


I really, really do not like WoW for PvP. I’ve played it my fair share, I’ve given it a thorough shot several times over the years, but I just don’t feel like it meshes well with the basic gameplay. Everything hits automatically barring use of precious defensive cooldowns, so they have this awkward situation where people can die extremely quickly if damage is too high (as you can’t avoid much of it) but if it’s too low healing becomes overbearing.

If I am to play a PvP game, I really prefer one where you can avoid attacks through skillful play. I hesitate to bring up For Honor here as it’s flawed in many ways but it exemplifies well what I mean here.

WoW’s PvE, however, is excellent on a basic level. No other MMO feels as smooth to play. I don’t know what it is about WoW but it makes games like SWTOR feel very flat and unimpactful.

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Sounds like someone who hasn’t mastered the rotation for innovative ordinance/assault specialist perfectly.

Honestly I’m torn between loving or hating SWTOR especially in terms of gameplay. The above example is considered the hardest spec to learn purely because its rotation -requires- the occasional use of a basic attack/filler since the resource management is a pain to handle.

Also there’s damage profiles like ranged/melee damage, force/tech damage, elemental damage and internal damage, all of which matter the higher you go up in the skill ceiling for PvE and PvP.

I’ll admit I have not played nearly as much SWTOR as I did WoW, but I did at least play through one class campaign and a bit more, and I stand by my statement. Everything my sith warrior did felt floaty and unimpactful, like there’s no real impact of pressing your buttons.

I was taking the mick but I think I understand what you mean, and I think it might be tied to the sound design and game engine.

It feels outdated, at least compared to WoW in terms of sound design. I’m not sure on the game engine though as WoW’s should be dead in the water.

Weird doing the 50-60 WHM quests as an Au Ra.

Alaqa be like; “you’re scared of me, you find me repulsive” to Eschiva and I’m like; “dude, she’s quite literally hanging out with an Au Ra”

Gamma half an hour ago, she’d used my hand as a pillow and can now mostly walk normally again.


Waking up normally to go to work, only to find out that I had a day off on a schedule no one showed me when I started.

Way to go to make a man seethe.

I think it’s less about healing in general since LoL has a lot of it. The thing is a lot of it is life steal or omnivamp; you need to actually deal damage to heal so CC shuts it down completely and for a mere 800 gold anyone can buy anti-healing item.

What is a lot less prevalent in LoL is burst healing and damage mitigation. I think almost every spec in WoW has access to one or more defensive cooldowns that reduce incoming damage by at least 30%. Combine that with powerful burst healing and very limited anti-heal abilities, the CC windows are pretty much your only chance at killing people.

Man I wish Morgana’s Q lasted a second.

CC shuts everything down completely.

The thing with healing via vamp is that, by going off a portion of the damage output, it is naturally lower than the damage output. In a fight, damage always exceeds healing.

When you have dedicated healers however, making damage exceed healing by design is going to cause some complaints.

Not in WoW. Many damage mitigation tools can be used while stunned.

get max kindness so I can progress sojiro’s confidant
on his next rank up, immediately get more kindness points

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I’m reminded of that one simpsons episode where homer climbs the mountain and once he reaches the summit he sees that the mountain just keeps going.

“Aw crap!”

Alt friendly my foot.

It angers up the blood.

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There it is

Things in SL that are “alt friendly”:
Four ~entirely unique~ stories to play through with the covenants
Renown catch-up

Things that aren’t alt friendly:
Things that matter

I’ve never liked it either, but I’ve been playing a bunch recently to unlock transmogs and artifact appearances, and I’ve almost been enjoying Arms warrior. Mostly because of how cheap it feels.
Charge in, execute things, jump out. If I die, my trinket revives me. If I die again, my soulbind revives me. This has to be so unfun to play against.

So unique that a couple of chapters overlap with other covenant campaigns :^)
and it’s short as heck to boot

and here i hoped that the covenant campaigns were gonna compensate for the holiday tour-length of the 50-60 experience (ok that’s a lie, i wasn’t expecting that at all, it’s Blizz lol)


I really like how the Revendreth finale’s cutscenes are clearly written from the perspective of Maldraxxus. Really makes you feel relevant.

And don’t even get me started on the awkwardness of the final cutscene. It’s supposed to be this epic conclusion but then you have Draven being a prick, some weird camera movement and awkward silence as Kel’thuzad disappears.

You just know people would complain if it were longer too.
Slightly related, but the class hall campaigns from legion were also a lot shorter than I remembered. Might be because I was really trying to get it done quick without any side distractions, and I could solo the dungeons.

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Booted into a system where I hadn’t updated WoW for a long time and didn’t have Hearthstone installed. Set Hearthstone to install and left.

After I returned four and a half hours later, WoW was at 2% update progress at a really really slow download speed, and Hearthstone was needing an update with “Waiting on another installation or update”.

I paused the WoW download and manually started the Hearthstone update. However, it downloaded far slower than the indicated download speed, and another hour later, got stuck downloading at 84%.

I tried to pause and resume it, and now both Hearthstone and WoW are stuck on “Waiting on another update”.

Just… what. Eventually I got tired of waiting and rebooted back into my main system.

Heavensward reached.

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Man, screw brexit. I thought I got a great deal on some cheap stuff on ebay from England. Got slapped with a 25eur import charge because they’re not in the EU, which made the deal not so great anymore.

Not buying stuff from there again until they sort themselves out.

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