Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

I don’t think it’s at all essential, no. It adds new civs, two meh districts, and modes that are either your thing or aren’t. They aren’t my thing, as I prefer to play with default settings. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything by not having bought it. (That, and I despise DLCs as a concept.)

i once again tell u to play apex legends…


My major peeve with Civ 6 are barbarians. The most annoying part of the early game for me.

Apex is downloaded as of last night, soooo… :eyes:

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Excellent… I’ll throw you my steam id and we can play sometime

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I think NFP added a (free?) update for Barbarians that made them a lot more interesting - haven’t had time to check it out but it looked cool on paper.

Dunno what made them annoying though (or more annoying than in other civ games?)

Yeah you can negotiate with them now. They can grow to become city states.

They are just such a hassle.

I personally like the idea, because you can abuse them to get gold; and it feels like a natural progression if you leave them alone.

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I managed to stab myself in the hand while doing the dishes… It’s not a big wound but it still hurts and ofc it’s right in the middle of my palm on my right hand >:C

Supergiant literally never misses

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I seem to be able to spend hours just rearranging one of my apartments in FF14.

imagine if WoW had a housing system that was actually customizable . . .

for all the hours you could spend in it, you sure spent zero hours rearranging your garrison

cmon blizz, you know there’s a market for interior designers from sims/other games who’d just stay subbed/active to customize their house, imagine the MAUs!!!

but no, garrison just had to be 6 slots :pensive: :fist:


ESO housing but with WoW’s artstyle :heart_eyes:

how many expansions

at this point i’m willing to sacrifice the entirety of shadowlands


Destroy the afterlife in universe in order to acquire player housing.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I like Shadowlands but I’d probably trade it out for features like player housing too


Add it onto the list along with ‘old world re-re-vamp to remove all the memey/referential Cataclysm quests’ and ‘build a new engine for WoW holy god damn it’s so old I’m surprised anything functions on it at all’ and ‘make beast mastery the hunter melee spec instead’

for how many more expansions must there be a spec that does over half of its DPS without pressing a single button

isn’t that every non-caster via auto-attacks?